Monday, December 23, 2019
Kite Runner Social Divisions - 1512 Words
Joel Huff Period 2 November 19, 2010 Social Divisions Two main themes in the novel The Kite Runner are that of social class and gender roles. Everywhere that Amir, the main protagonist, turns, society is divided. From his earliest childhood memories to living in America, there always seems to be some sort of invisible line drawn between his people. There is separation between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras, between Americans and Afghans, between men and women, and between the Talibs and the people of Afghanistan. â€Å"’Afghanistan is the land of Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-Nose here. His people pollute our homeland, our wantan. They dirty our blood†¦.†¦show more content†¦Soraya, daughter of the war hero, General Taheri, was hit especially hard by this gossip, and it traveled with them to Los Angeles. Though she tells Amir about the horrible past she has, Amir still pursues marriage with her, loving her all the same. â€Å"How coul d I, of all people, chastise someone for their past?†This shows a common double standard in the Afghan culture that also exists in our culture, to an extent. â€Å"Their sons go out to nightclubs looking for meat and get their girlfriends pregnant, they have kids out of wedlock and no one says a goddamn thing. Oh, they’re just men having fun! I make one mistake and suddenly everyone is talking nang and namoos and I have to have my face rubbed in it for the rest of my life.†To add to the extremity that Afghans see this sin as, after he made Soraya come home, Soraya’s father sat her in a chair, handed her a pair of scissors, and Joel Huff-4 calmly told her to cut off all her hair. He watched while she did it, his pride hurt more than hers. Along with the distinct division of men and women even in America, there was also a class division between Americans and Afghans. While the Americans had all white-collar jobs, Afghans were given the blue-collar jobs, despite some of them being professionals back in their homeland. Amir’s father, once a rich and powerful businessman, was forced to take up odd jobs and transactions to get by. He â€Å"sold his Buick and bought aShow MoreRelatedKite Runner Essay1471 Words  | 6 PagesIn the literature, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the idea and representation of justice, and its relationship to that of the treatment of women in Afghan society, the ever-changing politics of Afghanistan, and the desired results of redemption and forgiveness, become illustrated through the novel’s characters and motives. Justice can be defined as the quality of b eing guided by truth, reason, and fairness. 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The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini revolves around a society constructed around two socially diverse ethnic groups the Pashtuns who practice Sunni Islam and the Hazaras who follow Shia Islam. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, a variety of characters have made decisions that affect the overallRead MoreEssay On Hassan As An Archetype1014 Words  | 5 Pagesliterary text The Kite Runner, will it will make use of secondary research material that supplements my understanding of t he work, including interviews with the author, literary commentaries, the historical significance of the time period the book is set in, as well the religious fundamentalism and cultural discrimination that not only is a constant factor underlying the development of the primary character, Hassan, but also plays an important role in understanding the abuse and social persecution ofRead MoreDiscrimination In The Kite Runner1698 Words  | 7 Pagesrace or gender. From past to present, many have faced segregation and the damaging ripple effect it has on their lives. This is especially true for minorities in the world who are singled out and treated as inferiors based on physical traits. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, explores in depth the discrimination that has infected the Afghan culture and the catastrophic effects they have of citizens. The novel scrutinizes the Afghani culture in Afghanistan and delves into the discriminatory treatmentRead MoreComparison of Themes in The O utsiders and The Kite Runner878 Words  | 4 PagesFor as long as people have had disagreements, there have been social classes divided by both ethnicity and wealth. The rigid social structure formed by these disparate groups often hurts the lower rungs of society, who many times end up disparaged by the rest of society. In S.E. 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