Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Epic Of Gilgamesh Analysis - 984 Words
In the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh†, it is easy to conclude that Gilgamesh, the protagonist of the story, is the hero. In â€Å"Like Mayflies in a Stream†, Gilgamesh is merely a scary person who appears in the story here or there rather than being the protagonist. Instead, Shamhat is the main person that the story focuses on, but the book is imprecise on one hero of the entire story. There are numerous characters that could reflect hero aspects such as going on a quest, having another to help guide them, or facing trials. Personally, I believe that there is no true hero in this story due to the nature that Shamhat is a woman, who were represented badly during this time, and that Shauna Roberts did not want to misrepresent the epic due to extreme†¦show more content†¦This singular word, â€Å"only†, immediately tells us as a reader that they are looked down upon, are not as good as men, and are not as important to society. Along with this, many people call Sh amhat a whore when her pregnant stomach begins to show. Women, and girls for that matter, as Nameshda was only 13, were raped by Gilgamesh. Shamhat is the older sister in her family, yet her younger brother Geshtu gets to make all of the decisions for the family. The scenarios in this book are contemplative of how women are viewed and treated compared to the men of society. Patriarchy is correct by their standards, and having women in any sort of important role is almost nonexistent. Due to this condescending view, we can understand why it would be difficult to have Shamhat as the hero in this story. If men are the superior ones, wouldn’t it make sense to have a man as the hero? In the event that a woman was a hero in this story, it may make readers predict that the entire society will change their outlook on women by the end of the story. On the other hand, others may think that Roberts was trying too hard to modernize this epic. With this issue, Roberts could fear that crea ting this story with a female hero may be too contemporary and take away from the true epic. She already modernized the book somewhat by adding in a love triangle and happily-ever-after ending. Adding a female hero may just completelyShow MoreRelatedThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Analysis1436 Words  | 6 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh –Summary and analysis Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh is an excerpt of the original text of the Epic listed in the Sources of the Western Tradition, 5th edition, by Perry, Peden and Von Laue (2003). The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story of King Gilgamesh who is the powerful king of Uruk, the incidents in his life, the associations he makes, the encounters he has, and the transition that occurs in his life in relation to his gainingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1647 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is a story of heroes fighting a war not in a battlefield but within their own selves and amongst each other, struggling with their own emotions and attributions to attain the best version of themselves and to fulfill the utmost quest of life. With the use of two very different yet so similar characters: Enkidu and Gilgamesh, the epic explains two aspects of same psyche, and different imageries, one of which is door, have been used in the text to explain interactions betweenRead MoreAnalysis Of The E pic Of Gilgamesh Essay1361 Words  | 6 PagesHERE As readers delve into the depths of The Epic of Gilgamesh, they perceive the allure to dreams which has captivated humanity for centuries. The epic poem uses dreams as a symbolic representation of the human mind and its ceaseless bounds. Given the Mesopotamian culture’s importance in regards to their religion, dreams provide the only means of one connecting with their future and deities. Furthermore, each mental fantasy referenced within the epic delineates the rationale of all beings to actRead MoreAnalysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh Essay1122 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh The epic of Gilgamesh is the earliest primary document discovered in human history dating back to approximately 2,000 B.C.E. This document tells a story of an ancient King Gilgamesh, ruler of Sumer in 2,700 B.C.E. who is created gloriously by gods as one third man and two third god. In this epic, Gilgamesh begins his kingship as an audacious and immature ruler. Exhausted from complaints, the gods send a wild man named Enkidu to become civilized and assist GilgameshRead MoreEpic Of Gilgamesh Literary Analysis1837 Words  | 8 Pagesmortality, divinity, punishments are told through stories of individuals and societies. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian book that was written long before the Bible. A comparison of the literary elements show several similarities that lead many religious and cultural scholars, as well as historians to contend that the accounts in the Old Testaments were derived from the Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh and Bible were both written as sources o f moral messages for religious practices and guidesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1311 Words  | 6 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is a very popular epic that is difficult to understand at first, which is why there is different translations of the same book. Although Foster and Sander’s translations have a lot of similar words and the stories are basically the same, there are also a lot of differences between the two. One of which is more straightforward and easier to understand, whereas the other is more of an in depth thoughtful read for the reader. Both translations differences have their own particularRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1449 Words  | 6 Pagesbeginning in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is a bully king who frightens and annoys the people of Uruk. After the gathering with Enkidu and becoming his friend does Gilgamesh transform, into a hero worthy of history. The brotherly or â€Å"bromantic†( considering the questionable r elationship they have) love the two have for each other helps Gilgamesh become an better leader to his people by permitting him to better understand and identify with them. Even though the myth of Gilgamesh is very ancientRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 979 Words  | 4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh tells the legend of King Gilgamesh of Uruk and his adventures with the feral human Enkidu. At the beginning Gilgamesh shares a lot of similarities to Egyptian Pharaohs. He’s worshiped by his people in a way that’s almost pious and holds himself up with a certain arrogance. The only difference with Gilgamesh is he is one part deity and two parts human. Over the coarse of the Epic we see Gilgamesh’s demeanor change to a more humble one. This change can be attributed to the trialsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 738 Words  | 3 PagesBaily Broussard Mr. Guidry World History 4 December 2015 The Epic of Gilgamesh In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh terrorizes the people or Uruk. Because of this, they call out to the sky god Anu for help. Anu decides to turn to the goddess of creation, Aruru whom makes an equal for Gilgamesh. Aruru created Enkidu to be just like Gilgamesh and for them to contend together and leave Uruk in quiet. When Gilgamesh got up and went to the house of a bride waiting for the bridegroom, Enkidu stepped outRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 1284 Words  | 6 PagesPerhaps one of the earliest pieces of literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh is a tale about a Mesopotamian king named Gilgamesh who crudely dominates the natural world surrounding his gleaming society. Juxtaposing Gilgamesh’s godlike stature, Enkidu is a wild beast used to counterbalance the king in a literary sense. The hierarchical dichotomy expressed in the epic has appeared thematically within numerous mediums, including the revered artwork of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Raised in the Lower East Sid e (LES)
Monday, December 23, 2019
Kite Runner Social Divisions - 1512 Words
Joel Huff Period 2 November 19, 2010 Social Divisions Two main themes in the novel The Kite Runner are that of social class and gender roles. Everywhere that Amir, the main protagonist, turns, society is divided. From his earliest childhood memories to living in America, there always seems to be some sort of invisible line drawn between his people. There is separation between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras, between Americans and Afghans, between men and women, and between the Talibs and the people of Afghanistan. â€Å"’Afghanistan is the land of Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-Nose here. His people pollute our homeland, our wantan. They dirty our blood†¦.†¦show more content†¦Soraya, daughter of the war hero, General Taheri, was hit especially hard by this gossip, and it traveled with them to Los Angeles. Though she tells Amir about the horrible past she has, Amir still pursues marriage with her, loving her all the same. â€Å"How coul d I, of all people, chastise someone for their past?†This shows a common double standard in the Afghan culture that also exists in our culture, to an extent. â€Å"Their sons go out to nightclubs looking for meat and get their girlfriends pregnant, they have kids out of wedlock and no one says a goddamn thing. Oh, they’re just men having fun! I make one mistake and suddenly everyone is talking nang and namoos and I have to have my face rubbed in it for the rest of my life.†To add to the extremity that Afghans see this sin as, after he made Soraya come home, Soraya’s father sat her in a chair, handed her a pair of scissors, and Joel Huff-4 calmly told her to cut off all her hair. He watched while she did it, his pride hurt more than hers. Along with the distinct division of men and women even in America, there was also a class division between Americans and Afghans. While the Americans had all white-collar jobs, Afghans were given the blue-collar jobs, despite some of them being professionals back in their homeland. Amir’s father, once a rich and powerful businessman, was forced to take up odd jobs and transactions to get by. He â€Å"sold his Buick and bought aShow MoreRelatedKite Runner Essay1471 Words  | 6 PagesIn the literature, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the idea and representation of justice, and its relationship to that of the treatment of women in Afghan society, the ever-changing politics of Afghanistan, and the desired results of redemption and forgiveness, become illustrated through the novel’s characters and motives. Justice can be defined as the quality of b eing guided by truth, reason, and fairness. The Kite Runner illustrates the power of influence from an outside power and its effectsRead MoreJustice in The Kite Runner Essay1459 Words  | 6 PagesIn the literature, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the idea and representation of justice, and its relationship to that of the treatment of women in Afghan society, the ever-changing politics of Afghanistan, and the desired results of redemption and forgiveness, become illustrated through the novel’s characters and motives. Justice can be defined as the quality of being guided by truth, reason, and fairness. The Kite Runner illustrates the power of influence from an outside power and its effectsRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1505 Words  | 7 Pagessymbol also grabs the reader’s attention which makes them think yet, keeps them in suspense at the same time. In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a miraculous writer that continuously throws foreshadowi ng and flashbacks at the reader, portrays the use of symbols in an extraordinary way. Therefore, In the Kite Runner symbolism is portrayed through the pomegranate tree, the flying kite and the cleft lip. One of the several symbols listed in the book is the pomegranate tree. It represents the climaxRead MoreReligion Is A Cultural System Of Behaviors, Practices, And Moral Standards1552 Words  | 7 Pagesworld views, ethics, and social organization that relate humanity to an order of existence (Dictionary). With more than 84% of the world affiliating with religion, religion permeates the fabric of our existence by it’s influence on legal systems, nation’s policies, and moral standards (Religion stats). Making up 23% of the world population, the Muslim religion is divided into two sects: Sunni and Shi’a. The separation of the Muslim religion is the longest and largest division in the history of IslamRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1621 Words  | 7 Pagesthat we wouldn’t typically have from the outside looking in. They counteract the stereotypes that outsiders procreate of something that they have never intimately experienced. Keeping that in mind, my classical nomination is the Bestseller The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Hosseini wrote this historical novel in 2001 while completing his residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. Much of the historical content was based off his childhood experiences living in AfghanistanRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1599 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferences is what defines prejudice and discrimination. Racism, social class and ethnicity have become a never ending cycle that begins to shape the opinions of how people treat one another. The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini revolves around a society constructed around two socially diverse ethnic groups the Pashtuns who practice Sunni Islam and the Hazaras who follow Shia Islam. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, a variety of characters have made decisions that affect the overallRead MoreEssay On Hassan As An Archetype1014 Words  | 5 Pagesliterary text The Kite Runner, will it will make use of secondary research material that supplements my understanding of t he work, including interviews with the author, literary commentaries, the historical significance of the time period the book is set in, as well the religious fundamentalism and cultural discrimination that not only is a constant factor underlying the development of the primary character, Hassan, but also plays an important role in understanding the abuse and social persecution ofRead MoreDiscrimination In The Kite Runner1698 Words  | 7 Pagesrace or gender. From past to present, many have faced segregation and the damaging ripple effect it has on their lives. This is especially true for minorities in the world who are singled out and treated as inferiors based on physical traits. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, explores in depth the discrimination that has infected the Afghan culture and the catastrophic effects they have of citizens. The novel scrutinizes the Afghani culture in Afghanistan and delves into the discriminatory treatmentRead MoreComparison of Themes in The O utsiders and The Kite Runner878 Words  | 4 PagesFor as long as people have had disagreements, there have been social classes divided by both ethnicity and wealth. The rigid social structure formed by these disparate groups often hurts the lower rungs of society, who many times end up disparaged by the rest of society. In S.E. Hintons book, The Outsiders, the main character, Ponyboy Curtis, tries to combat the social separation between the Greasers, presented as poor gang members, and the Socs, depicted as rich and out of trouble. In the bookRead MoreClass Inequality In The Kite Runner1320 Words  | 6 Pagesor ethnic group, or social status. It shouldn’t be that way, but that’s the predicament that society finds itself in. In the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini these problems are evident throughout the book. Taking place in war torn Afghanistan and the safe haven of the United States, Amir and his father Baba face the struggle of transitioning from t he upper class lifestyle in Afghanistan to the life of middle class in America. To better illustrate inequality of social classes Hosseini uses
Sunday, December 15, 2019
How Can the American Legal System Free Essays
How can the American legal system, which is so devoted to protecting individual rights, justify itself morally if it jeopardizes, through its own rules, the right of law-abiding citizens to personal peace and security? Although this is a very tough subject and every one in the United States will disagree with this question but I will start out by asking it anyway â€Å" Is there any case in which the American law should put the law above the protection of its citizens? †I found that I will have to answer this question with a hard NO! Because the American government has been sworn to the duty of protecting the itizens of the United States. To answer the question for this essay I am going to refer to the 9/11/01 attacks against the United States as a whole. The United States is a free country for any one whom wants to pursue their happiness and to own their own property or even go to school if they want. We will write a custom essay sample on How Can the American Legal System or any similar topic only for you Order Now That is how this started we the people of the United States allowed those people to come over here to pursue their goals in life so they chose to go to flight school just so they would be able to use it against us (the United States). The death toll of the attacks was 2,995, including the 19 hijackers. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. In addition, there is at least one secondary death – one person was ruled by a medical examiner to have died from lung disease due to exposure to dust from the World Trade Center’s collapse. (1) Now this is nothing about the billions of dollars in damage that was done to our nation. But this does go to show you that if the American government and legal system denies the people of our far United States this is just some of what other countries feel they would be able to do. To deny the people of the United States their peace and security can and does go unanswered for by the government. Although the government or American legal system may feel that this is justified by denying the people their peace and security but what of the feeling they would get without the feelings of peace and security. No I don’t feel that the American law system can justify itself what so ever for the act of denying the people their peace and security. When the American law system starts to feel that they can take our peace and security from us for the sake of protecting individual rights then this country ust doesn’t stand a chance against the countries whom wish do do us hard. So I say that no the American law system can not justify itself in morally or any other way when it comes to the people’s feelings of peace and security personal or otherwise. With out the feelings of peace and security then the people would feel out of control and therefore the country would be out of control and any one that wanted to would be able to come over here and hurt our country in any way they feel fit. Reference: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/September_11_attacks How to cite How Can the American Legal System, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
By Anonymous Essay Example For Students
By: Anonymous Essay FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt is generally regarded as one of the United States most effective Presidents. Whether the accolades are entirely justified or Roosevelts effectiveness was simply a product of the time period in which he served as President will always be debated. However, one thing that no one can deny is that Roosevelt took an atypical route on his way to becoming President. Whether he was fighting an illness or coping with the death of a loved one, Roosevelt always managed to keep himself on track and to persist towards his goals and those of the country. People remember FDR for his actions during the Great Depression and World War II, but those actions were preceded by and intertwined with a tough, yet interesting, life that prepared him for his future endeavors. On January 30, 1882, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York to Sara Delano and James Roosevelt (whitehouse. gov). In 1886, at the age of four, Franklin and his family permanently settled into a house in Campobello, New Brunswick, Canada, which was previously a summer getaway (Conkin 34). Two years later, Roosevelt began his formal education under a governess of Archibald and Edmund Rogers. It was here that Roosevelt learned to speak German and received the opportunity to study abroad the next year. While abroad, however, he contracted a mild case of typhoid fever, the first of a multitude of illnesses that he would battle during his life. He returned to Hyde Park in 1890, and was tutored by Miss Riensberg. On September 28 of the same year, Roosevelt began studies under a Swiss governess, Jeanne Sardoz, which lasted for two years. Sardoz taught him some of the ins and outs of the British lifestyle in addition to teaching him the French language. (Conkin 35) In 1891, Roosevelt and his family traveled to Bad Nauheim, Germany, where he studied at a German public school for a short time. Eventually, they returned to the United States where Franklin received additional personal tutoring. For the most part, Arthur Dumper was his main tutor. (Conkin 36) Clearly, Roosevelts life did not start out in typical fashion. While most children went to school to receive an education, FDR learned from a wide variety of tutors coming from very diverse nationalities and backgrounds. This diversity may have been part of the reason that Roosevelt was so successful later in life when he became President. Once he completed his years of tutoring, Roosevelt entered Groton school, where he studied under headmaster, Endicott Peabody. While at Groton, he made his first ever political speech on the topic of the Nicaragua Canal Bill. (Ginna 33) On January 17, 1898, Warren Delano II, Franklins grandfather, passed away (Eisenhower 44). True to form, Roosevelt pushed forward only two days later by delivering an address during a debate at Groton. In April, Scarlet fever struck Roosevelt badly, forcing him to leave Groton. Intent on finishing his education at the school, he returned to Groton, as soon as he was physically able, for his final year. Finally, on June 25, 1900, Roosevelt graduated from Groton and was awarded the Latin prize. (Eisenhower 45) In September of 1900, Franklin Roosevelt entered Harvard University and tried out for the football and crew teams. He did not make either team, but he was elected to be an editor of Harvards school newspaper Crimson. (Diggins 69) Unfortunately for FDR, his father passed away on December 8 after battling a long-term illness and a heart condition (Diggins 57). It seemed Roosevelt simply could not escape hardship, and this reality must have prepared him emotionally for anything that could possibly happen. A significant event happened in 1901. Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States following the assassination of William McKinley. From this point on, Roosevelt attempted to model his career after his role model and fifth cousin, Theodore Roosevelt. (Diggins 75) Now, FDR had someone to look up to, someone to provide something tangible for him to strive for. After all, if a family member could become President of the United States, why would FDR himself not be able to? In 1903, Franklin Roosevelt began his senior year at Harvard and was elected president of the Crimson. While attending Harvard, Roosevelt engaged Miss Eleanor Roosevelt, who was Theodore Roosevelts niece. Eleanors father was actually one of Franklins godparents. (Ginna 66) In 1905, Franklin and Eleanor married and took a three month delayed honeymoon for themselves in Europe that June. The next year, in May, the couple gave birth to their first child, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. (Asbell 99) With such a marriage, one must believe that Roosevelt dealt with a good deal of criticism. However, the couple had a very successful marriage, and they were one of the most well known couples in the world for the next 40 years. In June of 1904, Roosevelt graduated from Harvard and immediately entered the Columbia University School of Law. In 1907, Roosevelt passed the New York Bar Examination and found employment as a junior clerk at a law firm on Wall Street in New York City named Carter, Ledyard, and Milburn. Soon after, his first son, James, was born. The next year, his second son, Franklin Delano, Jr. , was born. However, the boy died the following year marking yet another dramatic setback in Roosevelts life. Two years later, they had another son, Elliott, who was born on September 23, 1910, in New York City. On November 8, the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for State Senator for New Yorks 26th District. After considerable work campaigning and marketing his name, Roosevelt was elected to the New York State Senate by a wide margin. (Eisenhower 113) Even during a hectic time in his life when he and Eleanor had three young children to care for, FDR continued to further his career and keep himself in the publics eye. In June of 1912, FDR played a minor role at the Democratic Convention in Baltimore, supporting Woodrow Wilsons nomination for the presidency. In July, he organized The Empire State Democracy with seventy other progressives to support Wilsons campaign and to oppose Tammanys domination of the state ticket. Western Ideas Impact On Civilizations Essay (Asbell 212) It would seem that this position was a major stepping-stone for Roosevelt in his quest to become President. Not only was he given a chance to implement some of his own ideas, but he was also re-acclimated to the political environment. This would prove beneficial in the coming years. FDRs Government Not Politics was published in 1932, and it may have helped him move closer towards his goal of becoming President (nscds. pvt.k12.il.us). On July 1, 1932, Roosevelt was nominated for President of the United States on the fourth ballot. He won the election on November 8, and in 1933, FDR was inaugurated. During his first Hundred Days, as the first three months have come to be known, many important events occurred under Roosevelts leadership. (Conkin 215) One act of extreme importance was the Emergency Banking Relief Act. This movement placed banks under federal control and provided for their re-opening. Also, the Economy Act was signed, which saved about $243 million. During this time, Roosevelt signed a bill establishing the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) to create employment for young men and to aid in reforestation work. Another extremely important decision was his request that Congress create a Tennessee Valley Authority, which proved to be very useful. During the Hundred Days, Roosevelt signed the Johnson-OMalley Act, which provided federal aid to states for Indian welfare. The United States also eliminated the gold standard, hence raising domestic prices. He signed the Federal Securities Act, which provided regulations to require full disclosure to investors on new securities. Lastly, he signed the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which created todays National Recovery Administration (NRA). This supervised industrys attempt at self-regulation by establishing fair trade in competition. (Conkin 220) FDR also published another book in 1934 entitled, On the Way (nscds.pvt.k12. il.us). Roosevelts first term was very successful as he finally got a chance to implement his own ideas, and the people began to have faith in his decisions. Proof is in the fact that many people attributed the end of the Great Depression directly to Roosevelt. It is possible that because he was President when the Depression ended, some saw him as almost superhuman, and they would support any decision he made. In 1936, Roosevelt was re-elected, and on January 20, 1937, he was inaugurated once again. On March 1, he signed the Retirement Act, which removed income tax hardships from justices who retired at 70. On May 1, he signed the Neutrality Act, which gave him much power. On August 26, he signed the Revenue Act of 1937, which tried to help income taxes. Then, on December 12, Japanese planes sunk the United States gunboat, Panay on the Yangtze River. Roosevelt forced Japan to apologize and pay $2 million in reparations. (Eisenhower 200) It is almost as if everything Roosevelt tried to do, he did. He had power like no other President in the United States history. On January 20, 1941, Roosevelt became the first President of the United States to be inaugurated for the third straight term (nscds.pvt.k12. il.us). Throughout this term, the United States was involved in World War II. Roosevelts reputation as one of our greatest Presidents was taken to a new level during these years, probably due to the success that the United States had in the war, both on the European front and the Pacific front. Furthermore, the fact that life on the mainland carried on as smoothly as it did is often attributed directly to Roosevelts leadership. On January 20, 1945, Roosevelt was inaugurated for his unprecedented fourth and final term (nscds.pvt.k12. il.us). The fact that this term would be so short was obviously unknown at the time, but Roosevelt was intent on completing the war and restoring peace among the involved countries. From February 4 -11, he attended the Yalta Conference along with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Russias Premier Joseph Stalin, among others. Most decisions from this meeting were not released until after the war, but the future implementation of some of these decisions can undoubtedly be directly linked to Roosevelt. (Diggins 226) Unfortunately, Roosevelt could not complete even the first year of his final term. On April 12, 1945, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia, and passed away. He was buried in the Rose Garden at Hyde Park on April 15. (Eisenhower 227) The end of the war later that year was a bittersweet victory for the U.S. Sure, the nation had defeated the extremely powerful Adolph Hitler and Germany, but it had also lost one of the greatest leaders in the nations history during that same year. Without question, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is seen as a superior leader and President of the United States. Many Americans, past and present, remember him as the man who saved their jobs, their homes, their farms, and their way of life when America stood at the brink of disaster during the Depression. Some even attributed the end of World War II solely to FDR. Both are statements of debate. However, what cannot be debated and must be commended is the path that Roosevelt took in becoming President and in carrying out his duties. Many hardships served as obstacles between Roosevelt and his goals. However, it seems that none of these barriers ever hindered Roosevelt from accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish. Only death could remove him from office. Likewise, only death could bring a halt to Franklin Delano Roosevelts success. Bibliography Asbell, Bernard. The FDR Memoirs. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1974. Conkin, Paul K. FDR and the Origins of the Welfare State. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1967. Diggins, John P. The Proud Decades. New York: W and W Norton and Company, 1988. Eisenhower, Milton S. The President Is Calling. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1974. Ginna, Robert and Robert Graff. FDR. New York: Harper and Bow Publishers, 1963. Internet. 17 March 2000. Available WWW: http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/fr32.html/ Internet. 25 March 2000. Available WWW: http://www.nscds.pvt.k12.il.us/nscds/us/apushist/roosevelt/time.html#1880 Word Count: 2933
Friday, November 29, 2019
Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Example
Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Kohat-Potwar Oil and Gas Exploration and Production The first oil well drilled in present-day Pakistan was at Kundal on the Potwar Plateau in 1866. The first commercial oil discovery was made in the Greater Indus Basin in 1914 when the Attock Oil Company completed a 214 ft well on a thrust-faulted anticline near Khaur on the Potwar Plateau (Khan and others, 1986). Early success in the Kohat-Potwar geologic province served to focus much of the early exploration activity in that area. The Sui field in the Sulaiman-Kirthar Foreland geologic province was the first discovery outside of the Kohat-Potwar geologic province and is the largest gas discovery in Pakistan, with more than 5 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas reserves. Discovered in 1952, the Sui field is a dome-shaped reef structure with an anticlinal surface expression. The largest reserves were found in the 625 m thick Eocene Sui Formation Sui Main Limestone Member. The Sui Upper Limestone Member and upper Eocene Habib Rahi Limestone were also productive. In 1999, Upper Cretaceous Pab Sandstone Formation gas production began at Sui field. Although exploratory wells had been previously drilled in the Middle and Lower Indus Basins, the discovery of the Sui field accelerated exploration efforts in the 1950s. More discoveries followed in that area with the Zin gas field in 1954, the Uch gas field in 1955, and the Mari gas field in 1957. Exploration activity increased again in the 1980s, when identification of a tilted fault block in the Lower Indus Basin led to the discovery of a series of oil fields. Although there have been significant oil discoveries in the Lower Indus Basin, it remains a gas-prone province. We will write a custom essay sample on Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Gas discoveries that are attributed to the Sembar-Goru/Ghazij TPS have been made in Eocene, Paleocene, and Lower Cretaceous rocks on the Mari-Kandhot High in the Rajasthan Province of India. The Cambrian oil discoveries in Rajasthan, however, are beyond the extent of Sembar deposition and are either sourced by updip hydrocarbon migration from the Sembar or more likely by proximal older Mesozoic and early Paleozoic rocks. Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System The Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System (TPS) as defined for this assessment, is a north-south elongated area extending from the Potwar-Kohat geologic province in the north to the 2,000 m bathymetric contour in the Arabian Sea . The west boundary coincides with the axial belt and western edge of the Indian plate and the eastern boundary extends into India on the Indian Shield . Geochemical analyses of potential source rocks and produced oil and gas have demonstrated that the Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation is the most likely source of oil and gas for most of the producing fields in the Indus Basin. Source Rocks While the Sembar has been identified as the primary source rock for much of the Greater Indus Basin, there are other known and potential source rocks. Rock units containing known or potential source rocks include the Salt Range Formation Eocambrian shales, Permian Dandot and Tredian Formations, Triassic Wulgai Formation, Jurassic Datta Formation, Paleocene Patala Formation, Eocene Ghazij Formation, and lower Miocene shales. Of all the possible source rocks in the Indus Basin, however, the Sembar is the most likely source for the largest portion of the produced oil and gas in the Indus foreland. In the Kohat-Potwar geologic province the Paleocene Patala Shale is the primary source rock for most, if not all of the province. In the offshore areas of the Indus geologic province, Miocene rocks are postulated to be good hydrocarbon sources, with the Sembar contributing in the shelf area. The Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation consists mainly of shale with subordinate amounts of siltstone and sandstone. The Sembar was deposited over most of the Greater Indus Basin in marine environments and ranges in thickness from 0 to more than 260 m (Iqbal and Shah, 1980). Rock-eval pyrolysis analyses of 10 samples from the Jandran-1 well in the Sulaiman Range of the foldbelt, indicate an most likely prove to be gas prone. verage total organic carbon content (TOC) of 1. 10 percent. The TOC values from the Sembar in two Badin area wells in the foreland portion of the Lower Indus Basin have TOC’s ranging from 0. 5 to 3. 5 percent and averaging about 1. 4 percent. A cross-plot of pyrolysis data on a modified van-Kreveln diagram study indicates that the organic matter in the Sembar is mainly type-III kerogen, capabl e of generating gas; however, additional proprietary data indicate the presence of type-II kerogen as well as type-III kerogen. With respect to the oil window (0. 6 1. 3 percent vitrinite reflectance), the Sembar ranges from thermally immature to over mature . The Sembar is more thermally mature in the western, more deeply buried part of the shelf and becomes shallower and less mature toward the eastern edge of the Indus Basin Conclusive geochemical data supporting a Sembar source for most of the produced oil and gas in the Indus Basin are lacking; however, limited available geochemical and thermal data favor a Sembar source. To date, the only oil-productive regions in the Greater Indus Basin are the Potwar Plateau in the north and the Badin area in the Lower Indus Basin. Cross-plots of the carbon isotope ratios and the isoprenoid ratios of produced oils in these two regions are distinctly different , indicating two different source rocks. Gas content varies throughout the basin with CO2 ranging from lt; 1 percent to gt;70 percent, nitrogen lt; 1 percent to gt; 80 percent, and H2S lt; 0. percent to gt; 13 percent (IHS Energy Group, 2001). Reservoirs Productive reservoirs in the Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite TPS include the Cambrian Jodhpur Formation; Jurassic Chiltan, Samana Suk, and Shinawari Formations; Cretaceous Sembar, Goru, Lumshiwal, Moghal Kot, Parh, and Pab Formations; Paleocene Dungan Formation and Ranikot Group; and the Eocene Sui, Kirthar, Sakesar, Bandah, Khuiala, Nammal, and Ghazij Formations . The principal reservoirs are deltaic and shallow-marine sandstones in the lower part of the Goru in the Lower Indus Basin and the Lumshiwal Formation in the Middle Indus Basin and limestones in the Eocene Ghazij and equivalent stratigraphic units . Potential reservoirs are as thick as 400 m. Sandstone porosities are as high as 30 percent, but more commonly range from about 12 to 16 percent; and limestone porosities range from 9 to 16 percent. The permeability of these reservoirs ranges from 1 to gt; 2,000 milidarcies (md). Reservoir quality generally diminishes in a westward direction but reservoir thickness increases. Because of the progressive eastward erosion and truncation of Cretaceous rocks, the Cretaceous reservoirs all have erosional updip limits, whereas Tertiary reservoirs extend farther east overlying progressively older rocks. Traps All production in the Indus Basin is from structural traps. No stratigraphic accumulations have been identified, although the giant Sui gas field is a dome-shaped reef structure (possibly an algal mound) expressed on the surface as an anticline. The variety of structural traps includes anticlines, thrust-faulted anticlines, and tilted fault blocks. The anticlines and thrusted anticlines occur in the foreland portions of the Greater Indus Basin as a consequence of compression related to collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates. The tilted fault traps in the Lower Indus Basin are a product of extension related to rifting and the formation of horst and graben structures. The temporal relationships among trap formation and hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration, and entrapment are variable throughout the Greater Indus Basin. In the foreland portion, formation of structural traps pre-date hydrocarbon generation, especially in the Lower Indus Basin. In the Middle and Upper Indus Basins, traps may also have formed prior to hydrocarbon generation, although the temporal relationships between trap formation and hydrocarbon generation are not as distinct as in the Lower Indus Basin. The structural deformation in the foldbelt region is generally contemporaneous with hydrocarbon generation, suggesting that some of the hydrocarbons generated from the Sembar probably leaked to the surface prior to trap formation. Burial history reconstructions based on data from the Sakhi-Sarwar no. 1 well , located in the foreland part of the Middle Indus Basin, and the Shahdapur no. 1 well, located in the foreland part of Lower Indus Basin, indicate that hydrocarbon generation began 40 and 65 Ma, respectively . The main differences in the hydrocarbon generation times between these wells are due to large differences in the thermal gradients; the present-day thermal gradient in the Sakhi-Sarwar well is 2. 6 °C/km as opposed to 3. 3 °C/km in the Shahdapur well. We interpret the critical moments for these wells at about 15 and 50 Ma, respectively. Based on these reconstructions, trap formation may have postdated the start of hydrocarbon generation in the foreland portion of the Indus Basin. Seals The known seals in the system are composed of shales that are interbedded with and overlying the reservoirs. In producing fields, thin shale beds of variable thickness are effective seals. Additional seals that may be effective include impermeable seals above truncation traps, faults, and updip facies changes. Overburden Rock The rocks overlying the Sembar are composed of sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone, and conglomerate. The maximum thickness of these overlying rocks is estimated to be as much as 8,500 m in the Sulaiman foredeep area . In the foredeep areas immediately adjacent to the front of the foldbelt parts of the Indus Basin, the overburden thickness ranges from 2,500 m to 6,000 m. East of the foredeep, overburden rocks thin as Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks are progressively truncated. Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Example Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin Essay Kohat-Potwar Oil and Gas Exploration and Production The first oil well drilled in present-day Pakistan was at Kundal on the Potwar Plateau in 1866. The first commercial oil discovery was made in the Greater Indus Basin in 1914 when the Attock Oil Company completed a 214 ft well on a thrust-faulted anticline near Khaur on the Potwar Plateau (Khan and others, 1986). Early success in the Kohat-Potwar geologic province served to focus much of the early exploration activity in that area. The Sui field in the Sulaiman-Kirthar Foreland geologic province was the first discovery outside of the Kohat-Potwar geologic province and is the largest gas discovery in Pakistan, with more than 5 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas reserves. Discovered in 1952, the Sui field is a dome-shaped reef structure with an anticlinal surface expression. The largest reserves were found in the 625 m thick Eocene Sui Formation Sui Main Limestone Member. The Sui Upper Limestone Member and upper Eocene Habib Rahi Limestone were also productive. In 1999, Upper Cretaceous Pab Sandstone Formation gas production began at Sui field. Although exploratory wells had been previously drilled in the Middle and Lower Indus Basins, the discovery of the Sui field accelerated exploration efforts in the 1950s. More discoveries followed in that area with the Zin gas field in 1954, the Uch gas field in 1955, and the Mari gas field in 1957. Exploration activity increased again in the 1980s, when identification of a tilted fault block in the Lower Indus Basin led to the discovery of a series of oil fields. Although there have been significant oil discoveries in the Lower Indus Basin, it remains a gas-prone province. We will write a custom essay sample on Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Petroleum and Middle Indus Basin specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Gas discoveries that are attributed to the Sembar-Goru/Ghazij TPS have been made in Eocene, Paleocene, and Lower Cretaceous rocks on the Mari-Kandhot High in the Rajasthan Province of India. The Cambrian oil discoveries in Rajasthan, however, are beyond the extent of Sembar deposition and are either sourced by updip hydrocarbon migration from the Sembar or more likely by proximal older Mesozoic and early Paleozoic rocks. Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System The Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System (TPS) as defined for this assessment, is a north-south elongated area extending from the Potwar-Kohat geologic province in the north to the 2,000 m bathymetric contour in the Arabian Sea . The west boundary coincides with the axial belt and western edge of the Indian plate and the eastern boundary extends into India on the Indian Shield . Geochemical analyses of potential source rocks and produced oil and gas have demonstrated that the Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation is the most likely source of oil and gas for most of the producing fields in the Indus Basin. Source Rocks While the Sembar has been identified as the primary source rock for much of the Greater Indus Basin, there are other known and potential source rocks. Rock units containing known or potential source rocks include the Salt Range Formation Eocambrian shales, Permian Dandot and Tredian Formations, Triassic Wulgai Formation, Jurassic Datta Formation, Paleocene Patala Formation, Eocene Ghazij Formation, and lower Miocene shales. Of all the possible source rocks in the Indus Basin, however, the Sembar is the most likely source for the largest portion of the produced oil and gas in the Indus foreland. In the Kohat-Potwar geologic province the Paleocene Patala Shale is the primary source rock for most, if not all of the province. In the offshore areas of the Indus geologic province, Miocene rocks are postulated to be good hydrocarbon sources, with the Sembar contributing in the shelf area. The Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation consists mainly of shale with subordinate amounts of siltstone and sandstone. The Sembar was deposited over most of the Greater Indus Basin in marine environments and ranges in thickness from 0 to more than 260 m (Iqbal and Shah, 1980). Rock-eval pyrolysis analyses of 10 samples from the Jandran-1 well in the Sulaiman Range of the foldbelt, indicate an most likely prove to be gas prone. verage total organic carbon content (TOC) of 1. 10 percent. The TOC values from the Sembar in two Badin area wells in the foreland portion of the Lower Indus Basin have TOC’s ranging from 0. 5 to 3. 5 percent and averaging about 1. 4 percent. A cross-plot of pyrolysis data on a modified van-Kreveln diagram study indicates that the organic matter in the Sembar is mainly type-III kerogen, capabl e of generating gas; however, additional proprietary data indicate the presence of type-II kerogen as well as type-III kerogen. With respect to the oil window (0. 6 1. 3 percent vitrinite reflectance), the Sembar ranges from thermally immature to over mature . The Sembar is more thermally mature in the western, more deeply buried part of the shelf and becomes shallower and less mature toward the eastern edge of the Indus Basin Conclusive geochemical data supporting a Sembar source for most of the produced oil and gas in the Indus Basin are lacking; however, limited available geochemical and thermal data favor a Sembar source. To date, the only oil-productive regions in the Greater Indus Basin are the Potwar Plateau in the north and the Badin area in the Lower Indus Basin. Cross-plots of the carbon isotope ratios and the isoprenoid ratios of produced oils in these two regions are distinctly different , indicating two different source rocks. Gas content varies throughout the basin with CO2 ranging from lt; 1 percent to gt;70 percent, nitrogen lt; 1 percent to gt; 80 percent, and H2S lt; 0. percent to gt; 13 percent (IHS Energy Group, 2001). Reservoirs Productive reservoirs in the Sembar-Goru/Ghazij Composite TPS include the Cambrian Jodhpur Formation; Jurassic Chiltan, Samana Suk, and Shinawari Formations; Cretaceous Sembar, Goru, Lumshiwal, Moghal Kot, Parh, and Pab Formations; Paleocene Dungan Formation and Ranikot Group; and the Eocene Sui, Kirthar, Sakesar, Bandah, Khuiala, Nammal, and Ghazij Formations . The principal reservoirs are deltaic and shallow-marine sandstones in the lower part of the Goru in the Lower Indus Basin and the Lumshiwal Formation in the Middle Indus Basin and limestones in the Eocene Ghazij and equivalent stratigraphic units . Potential reservoirs are as thick as 400 m. Sandstone porosities are as high as 30 percent, but more commonly range from about 12 to 16 percent; and limestone porosities range from 9 to 16 percent. The permeability of these reservoirs ranges from 1 to gt; 2,000 milidarcies (md). Reservoir quality generally diminishes in a westward direction but reservoir thickness increases. Because of the progressive eastward erosion and truncation of Cretaceous rocks, the Cretaceous reservoirs all have erosional updip limits, whereas Tertiary reservoirs extend farther east overlying progressively older rocks. Traps All production in the Indus Basin is from structural traps. No stratigraphic accumulations have been identified, although the giant Sui gas field is a dome-shaped reef structure (possibly an algal mound) expressed on the surface as an anticline. The variety of structural traps includes anticlines, thrust-faulted anticlines, and tilted fault blocks. The anticlines and thrusted anticlines occur in the foreland portions of the Greater Indus Basin as a consequence of compression related to collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates. The tilted fault traps in the Lower Indus Basin are a product of extension related to rifting and the formation of horst and graben structures. The temporal relationships among trap formation and hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration, and entrapment are variable throughout the Greater Indus Basin. In the foreland portion, formation of structural traps pre-date hydrocarbon generation, especially in the Lower Indus Basin. In the Middle and Upper Indus Basins, traps may also have formed prior to hydrocarbon generation, although the temporal relationships between trap formation and hydrocarbon generation are not as distinct as in the Lower Indus Basin. The structural deformation in the foldbelt region is generally contemporaneous with hydrocarbon generation, suggesting that some of the hydrocarbons generated from the Sembar probably leaked to the surface prior to trap formation. Burial history reconstructions based on data from the Sakhi-Sarwar no. 1 well , located in the foreland part of the Middle Indus Basin, and the Shahdapur no. 1 well, located in the foreland part of Lower Indus Basin, indicate that hydrocarbon generation began 40 and 65 Ma, respectively . The main differences in the hydrocarbon generation times between these wells are due to large differences in the thermal gradients; the present-day thermal gradient in the Sakhi-Sarwar well is 2. 6 °C/km as opposed to 3. 3 °C/km in the Shahdapur well. We interpret the critical moments for these wells at about 15 and 50 Ma, respectively. Based on these reconstructions, trap formation may have postdated the start of hydrocarbon generation in the foreland portion of the Indus Basin. Seals The known seals in the system are composed of shales that are interbedded with and overlying the reservoirs. In producing fields, thin shale beds of variable thickness are effective seals. Additional seals that may be effective include impermeable seals above truncation traps, faults, and updip facies changes. Overburden Rock The rocks overlying the Sembar are composed of sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone, and conglomerate. The maximum thickness of these overlying rocks is estimated to be as much as 8,500 m in the Sulaiman foredeep area . In the foredeep areas immediately adjacent to the front of the foldbelt parts of the Indus Basin, the overburden thickness ranges from 2,500 m to 6,000 m. East of the foredeep, overburden rocks thin as Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks are progressively truncated.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Solar Storms
Solar Stoms Angel has returned to Adams’s Rib to find her roots. She is a 17-year-old girl in search of her family and most of all, who was her mother Hannah Wing (p 21). This is also a spiritual quest for Angel, yet that is only an observation that I became aware of after reading this novel Solar Storms. This novel begins with Angel’s arrival at Adam’s Rib on Tinselman’s Ferry (p21). We are given a small history of the settlers – the British, Norwegians and Swedes. Here the groundwork is being laid out by Linda Hogan on how these lands were shaped, and the importance of the water. We are told of a woman in a canoe appearing out of the fog (p22). Also we are given great detail of the terrain. Angel is on a quest to meet her family and find out who her mother Hannah Wing was. Angel comes to Adam’s Rib at the invitation of her great grandmother, Agnes Irons (p 23). At this point and throughout the novel, Linda Hogan takes great care to show the reader great details of the surroundings so that the reader feels present in the story. Or one with the characters, you can almost smell the fish and tress, see the sky and experience the desolation and barrenness of the land as well as the beauty. We see through this description the simple life people are leading. These people who live off the land. Angel arrives scared, alone with her worldly possessions – two garbage bags (p23). Angel is welcomed by her great grandmother Agnes, who is so happy to see Angel, and caught with great emotion and cries tears of joy at Angel’s arrival (p25). It reminded me of the story of the Prodigal Son from the Bible, and how the father was so filled with joy at his son’s return. Next we are introduced to Dora-Rouge, Angel’s Great Great Grandmother. We are integrated to the way of life in this small town and how people in this small new world of Angel is interconnected – John Husk, Frenchie, Bush, and how these people depen... Free Essays on Solar Storms Free Essays on Solar Storms Solar Stoms Angel has returned to Adams’s Rib to find her roots. She is a 17-year-old girl in search of her family and most of all, who was her mother Hannah Wing (p 21). This is also a spiritual quest for Angel, yet that is only an observation that I became aware of after reading this novel Solar Storms. This novel begins with Angel’s arrival at Adam’s Rib on Tinselman’s Ferry (p21). We are given a small history of the settlers – the British, Norwegians and Swedes. Here the groundwork is being laid out by Linda Hogan on how these lands were shaped, and the importance of the water. We are told of a woman in a canoe appearing out of the fog (p22). Also we are given great detail of the terrain. Angel is on a quest to meet her family and find out who her mother Hannah Wing was. Angel comes to Adam’s Rib at the invitation of her great grandmother, Agnes Irons (p 23). At this point and throughout the novel, Linda Hogan takes great care to show the reader great details of the surroundings so that the reader feels present in the story. Or one with the characters, you can almost smell the fish and tress, see the sky and experience the desolation and barrenness of the land as well as the beauty. We see through this description the simple life people are leading. These people who live off the land. Angel arrives scared, alone with her worldly possessions – two garbage bags (p23). Angel is welcomed by her great grandmother Agnes, who is so happy to see Angel, and caught with great emotion and cries tears of joy at Angel’s arrival (p25). It reminded me of the story of the Prodigal Son from the Bible, and how the father was so filled with joy at his son’s return. Next we are introduced to Dora-Rouge, Angel’s Great Great Grandmother. We are integrated to the way of life in this small town and how people in this small new world of Angel is interconnected – John Husk, Frenchie, Bush, and how these people depen...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical Dilemma Essay - Assignment Example Therefore, since there is no choice in the matter, there is no breach of confidentiality or ethical violation when a student discusses a case with a supervisor. The second condition for an ethical dilemma is that there should be an alternative course of action to choose from. The third condition is that no matter the choice of action, some ethical principles should be compromised i.e. there is no proper solution (Cheryl R. Lehman, 2010). In order to determine what constitutes an ethical dilemma, it is important to make necessary distinction between ethics, morals, values, laws and policies. Ethics comprises of propositional statements used by members of certain profession or a group to determine what is right and wrong in a given situation. Ethics rely on rational and logical criteria during the decision making process. On the other hand, values describe the ideas that we value the most. To value something means to hold it dearly and feel a sense of worthiness in it. Morals describe a certain code of behavior that an individual ascribes and used to negotiate and strengthen our relationship. Since employees take most of their time during the weekday in the office, they are tempted to carry out their own businesses in the company’s time. This may comprise of such instances like setting up an appointment with a doctor using the company’s phone lines, use of the company’s computers to make vacation reservations or even making freelance calls during office working hours. At the first instance, this ethical dilemma is quite clear: it is time and other abuse of employer’s time and resources to do personal business especially during the official working hours. But here are some shades of gray. Suppose your spouse calls to inform you that your children are sick? Is it right to look for a doctor’s appointment? It is very essential for an employee to check with his supervisor or manager so as to clarify what amounts to an actionable
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Jesus as a Figure in History Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Jesus as a Figure in History - Case Study Example These young girls start comparing themselves with the women shown on the television who are nothing but a piece of crap as they are full of make up and designer label clothes on their skinny figures. One needs to remember that many of these models shown on television and more so on the fashion channels have eating disorders and some pictures as well as images of women shown on television and in movies have been falsely created from a number of different bodies, thanks to computer graphics and software that now make it possible. The extreme images of torture, sex and liberalism shown on television project a very significant impression on the minds of the people and more so the ones who do not have related exposure to such cultural tangents. (Author Unknown, 2004) These people start taking such images and movies as a part of their lives even though such television programming is far from the truth. Thus people's behavior comes across as being directly in line with what is being shown on television and their perspectives start to alter as a result of the same. Last cause of television and movies' excessive viewing is in the form of a number of diseases and mostly related with the eyes of the people. This means that the people watching can fall prey to a number of ailments which can have negative repercussions in the long term. These maladies could result in the Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD as well as other diseases from time to time. The lives of the people are thus affected immensely by viewing television for stretch and it is best advisable to limit viewing under such measures. Television has diversified its transmissions into different fields like information, education, entertainment, live news, documentaries, reports, sports coverage, presentations, game shows, etc. What this in essence means is that the television is a significant tool at portraying the different aspects which usually happen within a society's life time. People can easily expect television to cover each and every detail related with them and thus show them what is happening throughout the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Bibliography AUTHOR UNKNOWN. (2004). Teens who watch sex on TV are twice as likely to have sex themselves. Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics Word Count:
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Law Phase 2 Individual Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Law Phase 2 Individual Project - Essay Example said contract period, to comply with any provision of this Agreement intended for the client’s protection or benefit, or that that by its sense and context, is intended to survive the completion, expiration or termination of this Agreement. Contractor understands that no work should begin under this agreement until all required signatures on this Agreement have been obtained. Any work performed by contractor prior to such time shall be considered as having been performed at the contractor’s own risk and as a volunteer. Client may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part for its sole Convenience. Upon notice of such termination, Contractor shall immediately stop all work including shipment of goods under this Agreement and cause its suppliers and/or subcontractors to cease their work for this Agreement. In the event of such termination, Contractor shall be entitled to payment, calculated on a pro rata or other equitable basis, determined by the Client in its sole discretion, for work or services satisfactorily performed. In no event shall Contractor be paid for work performed or costs incurred after receipt of notice of termination, or for costs incurred by suppliers or subcontractors, which reasonably could have been avoided. Offer: It is mentioned that the offeror/ contractor offers to perform the house renovation as agreed upon in ‘annex 1’. Basing on the given guidelines, the contractor shall render the service needed by the client in exchange for monetary payment at the end of the contract period. It is also stated how the contractor expects to be compensated in the ‘Terms of Payment’ section. As such, the contractor is able to clearly state what is expected of him while bound by this service contract. Acceptance: The client/ offeree signified his intent to comply with his side of the agreement by signing off the document. With this, the client makes it clear that he understands what is expected of him as a client and agrees to pay for the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Hotel Rwanda | Film Analysis
Hotel Rwanda | Film Analysis Directed by Terry George. It was adapted from a screenplay written by George and Keir Pearson. Based on real life events in Rwanda during the spring of 1994, the film stars Don Cheadle as hotelier Paul Rusesabagina, who attempts to rescue his fellow citizens from the ravages of the Rwandan Genocide. Actors Sophie Okonedo, Joaquin Phoenix, Nick Nolte and Jean Reno also appear in principal roles. The film, which has been called an African Schindlers List, documents Rusesabaginas acts to save the lives of his family and more than a thousand other refugees, by granting them shelter in the besieged Hà ´tel des Mille Collines. Hotel Rwanda explores genocide, political corruption, and the repercussions of violence Hotel Rwanda tackles one of the most horrifically ugly events in recent history, when the Hutu extremists of Rwanda initiated a terrifying campaign of genocide, massacring hundreds of thousands of minority Tutsis (who had been given power by the departed Belgian colonists), while the rest of the world looked on and did nothing. Don Cheadle stars as Paul Rusesabagina, the hotel manager at the fancy Les Milles Collines hotel in Kigali. Paul is a Hutu, and a very successful businessman who smoothly greases the wheels, making powerful connections in all strata of Rwandan life. His wife, Tatiana (Sophie Okonedo of Aeon Flux), is a Tutsi. She urges Paul to use his influence to help local Tutsis, who are being harassed and beaten with increasing frequency, but Paul will only use the political capital hes built up to help his own family, if and when they need it. Soon enough, the violence escalates, and the Hutus begin their genocide of the Tutsis. European guests and staff at the hotel are flown out of the country, and Paul is left in charge. He finds that his conscience wont allow him to watch as the innocent are slaughtered, and before long, the hotel has become a well-appointed refugee camp. Paul is seen as a traitor by some, putting his life in danger, and the predicament of his guests grows more precarious every day, but despite good intentions on the part of a journalist (Joaquin Phoenix) and a UN peacekeeping colonel (Nick Nolte), the rest of the world is not eager to intervene and stop the massacre. Hotel Rwanda was directed by Irish filmmaker Terry George (Some Mothers Son), who co-wrote the script with Keir Pearson. The characters Rusesabagina and Colonel Oliver negotiating through a political impasse. In fact, the films depiction of events in Rwanda in the early 1990s is remarkably free of dramatic license. The narrative on ethnic conflict in Rwanda and the sequence of events is essentially sound (although it does imply that it was Hutu extremists who assassinated President Juvà ©nal Habyarimana, a thesis that remains contested). The early scenes in town and at the hotel re-create the mood, sights, sounds, and social relations of a small African capital as well as any Hollywood movie ever has. One quibble: like too many other accounts of the genocide, the story concludes with the arrival of the Tutsi rebels in Kigali, implying that the killings stopped then. This end makes dramatic sense but conveys a historical inaccuracy, since, alas, the country endured many more months of intense violence, including tens of thousands of reprisal killings. Tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi Peoples lead to a war in Rwanda, where corruption and bribes between politicians are routine. Paul Rusesabagina Don Cheadle, the manager of the Sabena Hà ´tel des Mille Colline is Hutu, but his wife Tatiana Sophie Okonedo, is Tutsi. His marriage is a source of friction with Hutu extremists, most prominently Georges Rutaganda Hakeem Kae-Kazim, a friendly goods supplier to the hotel who is also the local leader of Interahamwe, a brutal anti-Tutsi militia. As the political situation in the country worsens, Paul and his family observe neighbours being killed in ethnic violence. Paul curries favor with people of influence, bribing them with money and alcohol, seeking to maintain sufficient influence to keep his family safe. When civil war erupts and a Rwandan Army officer threatens Paul and his neighbours, Paul barely negotiates their safety, and brings everyone to the hotel. More refugees come to the hotel from the overburdened United Nations camp, the Red Cross, and orphanages. Paul must divert the Hutu soldiers, care for the refugees, be a source of strength to his family, and maintain the appearance of a functioning high-class hotel, as the situation becomes more violent Action Adventure, Art Foreign, Kids Family, Biopic, Politics Religion and Drama Two recurrent themes jump out at me from the movie Hotel Rwanda. The first, that everything has a price. Paul Rusesabagina pays for his families and neighbours freedom and life by bribing an army officer, even negotiating the price for each. He is able to purchase beer and scotch for the hotel from the distributor, as long as he is willing to pay the price demanded. He consistently bribes the army general for protection for the hotels occupants from the armed militia. And when the bribes run out, so does the protection. The second major theme is one of self-reliance, or absence of external help. Throughout the movie it is repeated that the west refuses to help or does not value the Rwandans enough to intervene in the genocide. The Wests refusal to intervene is seen when the UN peacekeeping force has orders to not use their weapons. Its seen in the size of the UN peacekeeping force, reduced to 260 men at the beginning of the genocide and civil war in 1994. In the movie this last reduction proved a false hope for the survivors holed up in the hotel. UN reinforcements arrive, only to evacuate many UN peacekeepers and foreign citizens from Rwanda and the hotel, respectively. There is also an episode where certain Rwandans who have foreign connections are granted visas to leave the country because of the intervention of their friends mostly from African nations. The contrast of this action to the wess non-intervention is stark. who you know becomes a factor in survival. The distributor where Paul purchas es supplies is a member of the Hutu militia. But because he knows him and has had a business relationship with him for years, hes able at a price to still secure supplies for the hotel residents. Emotional; mood: Disturbing, the music is unbearably fitting for the mood of the movie. Hotel Rwanda is a very disturbing film, and yet a very hopeful one as well, vibrant attire, and the smooth, accurate rendering of skin tones. Hotel Rwanda is the most inspirational film, about hope within a troubled society, still at peace, but he gradually shifts it to a dark tone as the movie goes on. Hotel Rwanda is a very disturbing film, and yet a very hopeful one as well, as it shows how amidst horrific brutality, a lone human being can demonstrate how an individuals willingness to make a stand can make a huge difference in the lives of many of his fellows. It is also an extremely powerful film, capable of inducing nightmares in those who watch it, as the horrific events depicted therein actually took place in the African country of Rwanda during the year 1994. Hotel Rwanda uses various rhetorical devices in order to express the difference between the initial happy moods of the movie compared to the gloomy mood the creators demonstrate the conflict begins. Some of the most effective rhetorical devices used are the music in the film as well as the comparison between the atmospheres of two similar settings. The objective of the creators was not only to show the audience what was happening in Rwanda, but to make them sympathize with the characters. With these rhetorical techniques, they are successful in doing so because they influence multiple senses in different ways. The music in Hotel Rwanda is one of the most effective rhetorical tools in any movie because it sets the mood without the need of visuals. In good movies this is necessary because it creates a mood using multi-modal techniques, which are proven to be more effective than if the argument was solely visual. Hotel Rwanda is an important and carefully crafted film well worth seeing. Set in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, during the genocide of April and May 1994. If you view this film in conjunction with reading holocaust in Rwanda. Hotel Rwanda is an important and carefully crafted film well worth seeing. Set in Kigali. We are here as peacekeepers not peacemakers. The purpose of showing this movie was to warn Thais to rethink the present political conflict here, which is damaging the Kingdom. Tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi Peoples lead to a war in Rwanda, where corruption and bribes between politicians are routine. Paul Rusesabagina and his hotel are the very symbol of hope. Kaila Manuel B00051600
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Old Man and Sea Essay -- essays research papers
Perserverance, Courage, and Wisdom Used in Everyday Life Throughout a life, people have to overcome obstacle after obstacle to be successful in the world. Humans are thrown challenges day after day, week after week. Everyone must try hard at something to be truly happy in their life. In Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea, he used the marlin and the sharks as symbols, and gave Santiago certain character attributes to depict the perserverance, courage, and smarts needed to get through the ups and downs that life hands everyone. Santiago had gone 84 days without catching a fish and was about to surpass his previous record of 87 days, when there was a pull on his line. Santiago had finally caught a something. To make it even better, it was a marlin larger than his boat. Hemingway used this marlin to symbolize the struggle for life. Santiago was matched up against his perfect opponent to bring out the best in him. The marlin brought out his strength and courage to fight the fish for 3 days in his old age. Santiago had to overcome the fish to survive, to be a hero is his community and to himself. Towards the end of the story, Santiago told the fish, â€Å"I shouldn’t have gone out so far fish, neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry fish†(110). Santiago was telling himself the experience brought out so much strength and courage in him, but it was hard for him to accept the defeat of the sharks devouring the marlin.      One contrast to the marlin...
Monday, November 11, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird Literary Analysis Essay
Neolithic Revolution Food: seeds, nuts, fruits, plants (gatherers) Eventually: small to large game (hunters) Hunting = working together, tools, and communication Hunting = migration, move from Africa to Asia Homo sapiens – 100,000 to 400,000 years ago first appear What is the Neolithic Revolution? Neolithic Revolution: agricultural revolution. The switch from hunting and gathering to farming. Agriculture and life style change Men = hunters Women – take care of children, gather plants and fruit for food.Knowledge that seeds = food = BREAKTHROUGH!!!!! Raise wheat, rice, barely, millet Domestication of animals Leads to plow and fertilizers. From hunter gatherers to food producing = Neolithic Agricultural Revolution Causes of the Neolithic Revolution Change in Climate Rising Temperature Drier land for farming Population Boom What does farming provide that hunting doesn’t? Early Farming Methods Slash-and-burn farming Ashes fertilize the soil After a year or two move t o another area of land.Farming Develops in Many Places Africa: Nile River Valley India: Indus Valley China: The Huang He River Valley Mesopotamia: Fertile Crescent Ch 1 Sec 2: Where were these ancient civilizations? Economic Changes Surplus of food meant people had more free time Artisans (crafts people) created valuable new items (cloth, pottery) Traders profited from a wider variety of goods to trade Social Changes People worked together to solve problems build irrigation systems farm land create cities (urbanization)Creation of cities leads to government Some consider: calendar, tools, and writing/reading (education) Social classes emerge 1. Concept of private property Division of labor (specialized jobs) Religion becomes more organized Worshiping gods & goddesses, not forces of nature Neolithic Villages Discovered in the late 1950’s. Famous due to the large size, dense population, spectacular walls, & paintings of the Neolithic life. Catal Huyuk Mud brick Entrance from ab ove Burials under floor Reed mats for beddingPeriodically destroyed and rebuilt above Review Humans initially hunter and gatherers and lived in relative equality. Neolithic Revolution is a food revolution. More food = more people. More people = creation of civilizations. Civilizations = cities, religion, reading/writing, government, division of labor, division of social classes, tool making (tech), concept of time (calendar), free time, education This all leads to civilizations being established in: India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Study into the Effect of Varying Length of Warm Up on Performance of 400 Metre Sprint The WritePass Journal
A Study into the Effect of Varying Length of Warm Up on Performance of 400 Metre Sprint Abstract A Study into the Effect of Varying Length of Warm Up on Performance of 400 Metre Sprint ) looked at stretch warm-ups performed for varying amounts of time before sprint. They found that sprints performed within 5 minutes of warm-up were adversely effected by sets of stretches, however their studies involved 10 and 20 metre sprints only, and their sample set contained only 16 athletes.  There are relatively few studies exploring. Hajoglou et al (2005) look at the impact of warm up time, but upon performance in cycle trials. They found that 4-5 minute endurance cycling trials were performed better after warm up, but found no evidence for warm-up duration having an impact.  Arnett (2002) looked at the difference between prolonged and reduced warm ups, and found increased duration of warm up was not beneficial to performance,  but this study examined swim performance. Therefore, while a number of studies explore the types of warm-up activities which work best, less attention has been paid to the relationship between time spent on warm-up and performance. Additionally, some studies use different types of athlete, and are hence less relevant to sprinters. For example, studies carried out amongst rugby players can offer only limited insights to sprint performance. To the extent that existing studies look at sprint, they also tend to look at short sprint performance, typically 30m or less. In the light of this, it is felt that the current study will add new insights into the understanding of how to achieve optimum sprint performance.  Not only has the link between warm-up time and sprint performance been under-investigated, there is no investigation at all of the impact of different warm up times on 400m sprint.  There seems to be mixed evidence about the impact of warm up generally on performance, both in sprint and other types of sport. The following research hypothesis will therefore be tested by the study: Length of time spent on warm up has an impact upon performance in 400m sprint. A number of research questions will be investigated in the study: Does length of time spent in warm up have an effect upon sprint performance? What length warm up time is associated with fastest sprint performance? What are the mechanisms linking warm up time and sprint performance? 3. Methodology This section sets out the way in which the research study will be carried out. It divides into logical subsections to cover the different areas involved. 3.1 Participants The study will involve 40 athletes. For the purposes of this study, athletes are restricted to men and women aged 16-30 who take part in competitive running at least once a month, who are a member of a sports club or association, and who train daily for at least an hour.  The researcher will contact a number of sports bodies including local running clubs and the university running association in the first instance, to find suitable participants to take part.  Initially, contact will be made by the administrative secretary or similar by telephone or email to explain the purpose of the study, and to request help in finding suitable candidates to take part. Care will be taken to ensure that the sample is representative of the wider population of interest (sprinters), and that bias is avoided in the selection procedure (Monsen and Horn 2007). 3.2 Materials and Procedure The study will involve 40 athletes performing the same warm up routine. The routine includes jogging as well as dynamic and static stretching. Each athlete will perform a 5 minute warm up, then their performance running the 400 metres will be timed. Two days later, the same athletes will be timed running, this time after a 10 minute warm up. This will be repeated twice, each time after two days, and each time increasing the warm up time by 10 minutes (to 20 minutes and 30 minutes).  The aim is to investigate which warm up time produces the same results. One issue with this approach is ensuring that conditions are equivalent on each day that the test is carried out. If weather conditions differ, this may cause differences in running speed (Hawley 2000). Equally, diet variations or other variations personal to the athletes might cause changes in recorded running speed, but these are less of a problem as, unlike the weather, they will probably not affect all the athletes who take part.  One way of dealing with results being impacted by variables aside from the one tested would be to randomly assign athletes into four groups, each of these are tested on the same day, and each warms up for a particular length of time. However, this would reduce the sample size for each group, and larger sample sizes yield more reliable results (Ware and Brewer 1999). The first procedure will therefore be adopted. Because the study involves human subjects, ethical considerations need to be observed to ensure that no one involved comes to any harm or gains unfair advantage by being included in the study. 3.3 Data Analysis The data will be quantitative in nature (that is, expressed as numbers rather than text). It will be entered into a statistical computer programme, such as SPSS, in order to carry out descriptive and other statistical tests. The ANOVA test will be performed on the data. It is a  widely used statistical procedure which compares data from investigations where there are more than 2 conditions. Rather than using several t-tests to compare means, the ANOVA test compares all sets of results, to indicate whether the results differ significantly from condition to condition (Brace et al 2006). 4. Conclusion The above has given an overview of the methodology and relevant literature for this proposed research study, looking at whether variations in warm up time have an impact upon performance for athletes completing a 400 metre sprint. 4. References Alter, M J (2004) Science of flexibility (3rd edn.), Human Kinetics, USA Arnett, M G (2002) ‘Effects of prolonged and reduced warm-ups on diurnal variation in body temperature and swim performance’, Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 16:2, 256-261 Binnie, M J, Landers, G and Peeling, P (2011) ‘Effect of different warm-up procedures on subsequent swim and overall sprint distance triathlon performance’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Bishop, D (2003) ‘Warm Up II: Performance Changes Following Active Warm Up and How to Structure the Warm Up’, Sports Medicine, 33:7, 483-498. Boyle, M (2004) Functional training for sports, Human Kinetics, USA Brace, N, Kemp, R and Snelgar, R (2006) SPSS for psychologists: a guide to data analysis using SPSS for Windows, Routledge, London Bradley, P S, Olsen, P D and Portas, M D (2007) ‘The effect of static, ballistic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on vertical jump performance’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21:1, 223–226 Brooks, D (2004) The complete book of personal training, Human Kinetics, USA Carr, G A (1999) Fundamentals of track and field (2nd edn), Human Kinetics, USA Dintiman, G B and Ward, R D (2003) Sports speed (3rd edn), Human Kinetics, USA Girard, O, Carbonnel, Y, Candau, R and Millet, G (2009) ‘Running versus strength-based warm-up: acute effects on isometric knee extension function’, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 106:4, 573-581 Hajoglu, A, Foster, C, De Koning, J J, Lucia, A, Kernozek, T W and Porcari, J P (2005) ‘Effect of Warm-Up on Cycle Time Trial Performance’, Medicine Science in Sports Exercise, 37:9, 1608-1614 Hawley, J A (2000) Running,  John Wiley Sons, USA Hilfiker, R, Hubner, K, Lorenz, T and Marti, B (2007) ‘Effects of drop jumps added to the warm-up of elite sport athletes with a high capacity for explosive force development’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21:2, 550-555 Kraemer, W, Fleck, S and Deschenes, M (2011) Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Baltimore, MD McArdle, W D and Katch, F I (2009) Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance (7th edn), Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Baltimore, MD MacAuley, D and Best, T M (2007) Evidence-based sports medicine (2nd edn.), John Wiley Sons, Hoboken, NJ Mitchell, J B and Huston, J S (1993) ‘The effect of high- and low-intensity warm-up on the physiological responses to a standardized swim and tethered swimming performance’, Journal of Sports Sciences, 11:2, 159-165. Monsen, E R and Horn, L V (2007) Research: Successful Approaches (3rd edn), ADA, USA National Coaching Foundation (2007) Motivation and Mental ToughnessCoachwise 1st4sport, USA Nelson, A, Driscoll, N, Landin, D, Young, M and Schexnayder, I (2005) ‘Acute effects of passive muscle stretching on sprint performance’, Journal of Sports Sciences, 23:5, 449-454. O’Sullivan, K, Murray, E and Sainsbury, D (2009) ‘The effect of warm-up, static stretching and dynamic stretching on hamstring flexibility in previously injured subjects’, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10:37. Stewart, M, Adams, R, Alonso, A, Van Koesveld, B and Campbell, S (2007) ‘Warm-up or stretch as preparation for sprint performance? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10:6, 403-410 Stewart, I B and Sleivert, G G (1998) ‘The effect of warm-up intensity on range of motion and anaerobic performance’, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 27:2, 154-161. Tomaras, E K and MacIntosh, B R (2011) ‘Less is more: standard warm-up causes fatigue and less warm-up permits greater cycling power output’, Journal of Applied Physiology 111, p. 228-235 Turki, O, Chaouachi, A, Behm, DG, Chatara, H, Chtara, M, Bishop, D and Chamari, K (2012) ‘The effect of warm-ups incorporating different volumes of dynamic stretching on 10- and 20-m sprint performance in highly trained male athletes’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26:1, 63-72. Vetter, R E (2007) ‘Effects of six warm-up protocols on sprint and jump performance’, Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 21:3, 819-823. Ware, M E and Brewer, C L (1999) Handbook for teaching statistics and research methods (2nd edn), Routledge, London
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Choosing a Microsoft Certification
Choosing a Microsoft Certification The Microsoft certification you choose is dependant on your current position or planned career path. Microsoft certifications are designed to take advantage of specific skills and enhance your expertise. Certifications are offered in five areas, each with specialization tracks. Whether youre an application developer, systems engineer, technical consultant, or network administrator, there are certifications for you. MTA - Microsoft Technology Associate Certification MTA certifications are for IT professionals who intend to build a career in database and infrastructure or software development. A wide range of fundamental information is covered. There is no prerequisite for this exam, but participants are encouraged to make use of the recommended prep resources  The MTA is not a prerequisite for MCSA or MCSD certification, but it is a solid first step that can be followed by the MCSA or MCSD which expands on expertise. The three certification tracks for the MTA are: MTA: Database (Key technology: SQL Server)MTA: DeveloperMTA: Infrastructure (Key technologies: Windows Server Virtualization, Windows System Center) MCSA - Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate Certification The MCSA certification validates your strengths in the particular path chosen. The MCSA certification is strongly encouraged among IT employers. The certification tracks for the MCSA are: MCSA: Cloud platform (Key technology: Microsoft Azure)MCSA: Linux on Azure  (Key technology: Microsoft Azure)MCSA: Microsoft Dynamics 365  (Key technology: Microsoft Dynamics 365)MCSA: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations (Key technology: Microsoft Dynamics 365)MCSA:  Office 365 (Key technologies: Microsoft Office 365, Exchange, Skype for Business, SharePoint)MCSA: SQL 2016 BI Development  (Key technology: SQL Server) MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Administration (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014 (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSA: Web Applications (Key technologies: C#, Mobile Apps, Visual Studio, NET, Framework 4.5MCSA: Windows 10MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Key technology: Windows Server Virtualization )MCSA: Windows Server 2016 (Key technology: Windows Server Virtualization ) MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer Certification The App Builder track validates your skills in web and mobile app development for current and future employers. MCSD: App Builder (Key technologies: Azure, C#, SharePoint, Office Client, Visual Studio, .Net, HTML5) MCSE - Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert Certification The MCSE certifications validate advanced skills in the area of the chosen track and require other certifications as prerequisites. The tracks for the MCSE include: MCSE: Data Management and Analytics (Key technology: SQL Server)MCSE: Mobility (Key technology: Windows System Center)MCSE: Productivity (Key technologies: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office 365) MOS - Microsoft Office Specialist Certification The Microsoft Office certifications come in three skill levels: specialist, expert, and master. The MOS tracks include: MOS: Expert 2013  (Key technologies: Microsoft Office Word 2013, Microsoft Office Excel 2013)MOS: Expert 2016 ( Key technologies: Microsoft Office Word 2016, Microsoft Office Excel 2016)MOS: Master 2016 (Key technologies: Microsoft Office Word 2016, Microsoft Office Excel 2016, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016)MOS: Microsoft Office 2013 (Key technologies: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office OneNote)MOS: Microsoft Office 2016 (Key technologies: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Access, Microsoft Outlook)
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Role of Typological Universals in SLA Essay
The Role of Typological Universals in SLA - Essay Example All humans learn their first language in the same way. Firstly through a preliminary stage of prelinguistic development and 'babbling' followed by a single word stage, and then a two-word stage. Simple sentences follow after this before the 'embedding' process is finalized through the use of complete sentences. There are a number of absolute universals that have characteristics which hold for all languages. The most powerful universals take the form of hierarchies (an ordered list). Below are examples of Color, Vowel and Animacy hierarchies: There are many ways knowledge of universal typologies can aid SLA but one important way could be termed 'The Iceberg Effect'. It can be difficult to learn a second language if you have scant knowledge of the structure and grammar of your own language. Although the L1 and L2 might be vastly different, they are still linked through the brain of the speaker. In understanding one's own language first, we then develop a framework for comparison. When we make a comparison we understand the perils of 'direct translation' from one language to another. While we see similarities in the use of certain tenses, articles, pronouns etc. we know that there are many instances when the two languages have very little in common. This helps a student to gain the 'iceberg effect', whereby one's knowledge of a subject is directly related to deeper background knowledge. Although perhaps never revealed, the hidden part of the iceberg backs up and cements SLA. The Role of Typological Universals in SLA Typological Universals have a vital role in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Typological Universals can be defined as the 'notion that human languages necessarily share important, formative, properties'.1 However, this notion can both aid and hinder SLA, as in admitting that there are certain universals which link the native language (L1) with the second language (L2), one must also remain aware of how greatly languages can differ. Being aware of the differences means avoiding direct translation from L1 to L2. Assuming that the L2 works on the same structural principles as your native tongue will ensure you make numerous grammatical, syntactical and vocabulary errors. Research into Typological Universals 'aims to establish the limits within human language'.2 Study into this subject sees the world's languages almost as a single organism with various overlapping areas between the languages closest to them in 'roots' as well as 'universal links' with all other world languages. No mat ter how diverse, all languages are connected by common principles - these are Typological Universals. In the introduction to Typology & Second Language Acquisition, Anna Giacalone Ramat stresses how 'a basic connotation of typology is cross-linguistic comparison: implicational universals which are crucial in order to create a typology of languages of the world cannot be discovered or verified by observing only a single language'. Giacolone Ramat 2003, p.1) In 1270 Roger Bacon wrote that 'grammar is substantially one and the same in all languages, despite its accidental variations'. (Thomas 2004, p.2) While the above
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Roe vs Wade Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Roe vs Wade Case - Assignment Example The article will provide adequate information on the historical background of abortion over time. Furthermore, it will give the accounts of the events as they occurred leading to the 1973 famous Roe Versus Wade rulings that led to the legalization of abortion during different stages of pregnancy. The article seeks to establish the rates of unintended pregnancies among Americans and the related outcome. From the study, it was established that about fifty percent of the births in united states were unintended. The article found out that there are a number of factors affecting different level fo unintended pregnancies and rates of abortion in the U.S. For instance, the rates were low among educated women, the rich women and young women who were between 18-24 years of the reproductive age. This source will be of the essence as it will provide information n the statistics on abortion in the united states. Ruth explains the sparked controversy from the rulings made on this day. She explains how the ruling has affected reproduction in the united states. It gives into account the details of the ruling and the laws that it relied on to conclude the way it did. Therefore, the source will provide information that will be used to detect the Roe v. Wade trial. The article, analyses the public opinion on the sensational ruling on abortion in the years 1973 among the public. At the same time, the author studies the rulings that followed the ruling in 1973. The article Analyses the effect of the Roe V. Wade on the latter rulings in the U.S. Therefore, this source will be useful in determining the public opinion on the ruling and the rulings made later emphasizing the effect of Roe v. Wade. The study points out the incidence of abortion in the united states.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Cultural Diversity and Language Education Assignment
Cultural Diversity and Language Education - Assignment Example Spnish cme very esily to me becuse of ll the French I hd tken nd my strong desire to lern the lnguge. fter college, I trveled for yer in South meric, where I both reinforced my Spnish nd lso picked up Portuguese while visiting Brzil. When I returned from South meric I ws unsure wht I wnted to do, so I enrolled in bilingul techer eduction progrm sponsored by Title VII. yer of student teching nd bilingul methods courses certified me s bilingul techer. I becme bilingul techer out of my love for Spnish. I see the process of becoming bilingul s lifelong journey, one in which I m still involved. When I strted teching, I hd no ide tht bilingul teching ws so controversil, stigmtized, nd complex. For 6 yers, I struggled s Spnish-English bilingul elementry school techer in Oklnd, Cliforni. Prt of this struggle ws cused by lck of support from my principl nd collegues, who did not understnd the purposes of wht is needed to develop bilingulism. During tht time, I obtined mster's degree in curriculum nd bilingul eduction. t the clssroom level, despite my techer trining nd mster's degree, I still fced dily dilemms such s, "Wht should I do with 30 kids whose lnguge dominnce vries from Spnish to English nd ll the shdes in between" "Wht kind of curriculum should I use for Omr, who hs just come from Mexico to my fourth-grde clss nd doesn't know how to hold pencil becuse he hs never gone to school before" "How do I work with Guillermo, who is very bright, fully bilingul, finishes his work in 2 minutes, nd strts to red the encyclopedi becuse he's bored" "How do I tech my clss with inferior nd inpproprite Spnish mterils nd books" Somehow, I lerned to survive by creting my own mterils nd developing meningful lerning opportunities for students; by individulizing instruction; by hving students help one nother; nd by tking students out into the community nd bringing the community into the clss through trips, projects, nd guests. The effort to do this in n unsupportive environment ws t gret psychic expense tht cu sed me to burn out. I found myself becoming imptient with the children. I needed chnge. When the chnce cme to move to New York to pursue doctorte in curriculum nd bilingul eduction t Techers College Columbi University, I looked t it s n opportunity to begin to find nswers to these teching questions. From my teaching experience, I can say that second lnguge cquisition cn begin t ny ge nd hence t different levels of brin mturity nd cognitive development. It cn tke plce predominntly in forml lerning or during informl dy-to-dy communiction (depending on socil fctors, the level of cognitive development, nd previous eduction). The ge fctor is closely relted to the method of lnguge lerning due to the difference in the cognitive orgniztion of children's nd dults' lnguge cquisition. In orgnized lerning, for exmple, different types of prctice mteril nd lerning ids exploit different input nd processing modlities (visul, uditory, nd motor). First lnguge cquisition goes "hnd in hnd" with the development of cognitive bilities nd the construction
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Leadership Talents of Jack Welch Essay Example for Free
Leadership Talents of Jack Welch Essay Jack Welch was a successful Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General Electric Co. (GE) for twenty years (1981 – 2001). He was admired and feared for the â€Å"new vision†that was implemented at GE. Jacks talented strategies were based on how he saw the hierarchy layers of management, how he analyzed the 42 strategic business units, and how he implemented the culture of GE to have the feel and the passion that he had been striving for. These strategies received a lot of positive and negative attention and as a result the company’s value increased by 4,000% during his tenure at GE. Jack Welch was born John Francis Welch, Jr. on November 19, 1935. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from the University of Massachusetts in 1957. Then he went on to earn a M.S. and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1960. He was introduced to Carolyn Osburn through a mutual friend, and then approximately six months later they were engaged. By November, 1959 they married two days after Welch’s 24th birthday. In 1960, Dr. Dan Fox offered Welch a chemical engineering position to work on a new project on a new thermoplastic called polyphenylene oxide (PPO) at GE. PPO was described to withstand high temperatures, which could replace hot water copper piping and stainless-steel medical instruments. Welch realized after his first year at GE that he disliked GE’s bureaucracy, which nearly drove him to leave based on the standard predetermined $1,000 raise he received in 1961. He was fed up and walked up to his boss Burt Coplan and quit. Coplan’s boss, Reuben Gutoff (Reg) called Welch and offered to meet for dinner. Gutoff took Carolyn and Jack out for dinner and promised a bigger raise, more responsibility, and would keep the bureaucracy out of his way. In addition, Gutoff added another $2,000 raise on top of the $1,000 raise Coplan already given him, which showed Welch he was serious about his promise. In 1972, Jack was named the company’s youngest Vice President then was elected Vice Chairman in 1979, then was elected the eighth chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 1981. Jack held this position until he retired in 2001. During his twenty year term as CEO Jacks reputation In 1999, Forbes magazine named him â€Å"Manager of the Century†and the Financial Times named him one of the three most admired business leaders in the world today (General Electric Company). During Jacks twenty year tenure at GE he was able to step outside of the box and change the way the game was played. (Business Pundit, 2008).
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