Monday, August 24, 2020
Explanation as to why projects fail Essay Example for Free
Clarification with respect to why activities bomb Essay Absence of staff aptitude Having the correct individuals from staff is extremely pivotal when running an undertaking. Task troughs must be incredibly cautious while utilizing individuals from staff, employing individuals that don't have the foggiest idea how to utilize apparatuses during the advancement of a venture can bring about time utilization. Going over the spending plan If the undertaking supervisor squanders more cash then vital, at that point how their task going to have the option to proceed, by what method will individuals from staff get paid, and where are they going to get the cash for the instruments that are required. Task chiefs need to consistently be watchful about how much cash is being spent and to consistently monitor their financial plan and abstain from going through an excessive amount of cash. Inadequate subtleties from customer It is critical for the task chief to discover whatever number subtleties as could reasonably be expected so as to make the item for them. In the event that there are insufficient subtleties and the item is made, the customer may not be fulfilled and subsequently the task has flopped just as the venture administrator. There are extends out there that don't give enough prerequisites which have prompted situations where the designers of the task having no contribution from the customer, and make an undertaking that they accept is required without them knowing the slightest bit about the business itself. At the point when the undertaking has then been given to the customer, business clients will at that point say that it doesn't do what is should have been finished. This is additionally associated with an absence of client contribution; a client needs to consistently know precisely what they need and can determine it definitely. Insufficient legitimate chance to research and plan Before any venture begins, arranging needs to consistently be occurred so as to get ready for the unforeseen so we can respond speedier limiting any issues however much as could be expected. However, on the off chance that insufficient time has been given to appropriately plan and furthermore to inquire about an item, that will just build the danger of the undertaking coming up short. Utilizing an inappropriate sort of instruments There are a wide range of sorts of virtual products that can be utilized for a wide range of sorts of things. Utilizing an inappropriate programming can be practically outlandish or hard to do the undertaking. For instance to make a spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel will be required. In any case, on the off chance that Microsoft FrontPage is given, at that point it is difficult to make the spreadsheet in light of the fact that FrontPage is utilized to make sites and WebPages, not spreadsheets. They can over-run (passed the cutoff time) If a venture has passed its cutoff time, it has fizzled and the customer will most likely not have the option to manage the cost of the undertaking any more and will end the task. Activities can pass the cutoff time essentially on the grounds that specific issues may have been hard to survive and in this manner tedious. Different things can likewise incorporate individuals from staff not working all day or not working appropriately in the undertaking. Poor correspondence People need to speak with one another so as to realize what's going on and what is happening. In the event that individuals don't speak with one another, at that point how they will know whether they are doing everything in the right request and if everything is working consummately with the goal for them to proceed. It is critical that individuals from staff reveal to one another when to apply certain things or when to begin making small amounts so as to make the undertaking. Absence of User Involvement Everyone that has been recruited to do the undertaking must consistently be included with the goal that task can run as easily as arranged. An absence of client association can end up being deadly for any sort of task. Each client must be included in any case no one in the business will be focused on a framework and might be additionally threatening to it. So as to have a fruitful task each and every client must be included from the beginning of the venture and keep on being required all through the entire turn of events. Changes in the prerequisites. While a task is being created, what can in some cases happen is that the customer can out of nowhere choose to add more subtleties to the creation of the undertaking, in light of this incident numerous activities has flopped essentially on the grounds that there was not sufficient opportunity to complete the venture because of the measure of time that it took to include those additional subtleties. Long or Unrealistic Time periods Sometimes customers give venture chiefs a ludicrous measure of time to complete a task when it is incomprehensible in light of the fact that there perhaps scarcely any individuals from staff, or insufficient cash to pay for instruments that are expected to make the undertaking. Undertaking chiefs need to design cautiously how much time is expected to make an entire task, an administrator should take in thought how much individuals from staff are required and for how much time. Supervisors need to likewise know about any unreasonable timeframes, for instance for an item to show up or a particular instrument or programming. Trusting that instruments will be conveyed could take possibly more than seven days which could have an effect over the entire venture. It is suggested that venture chiefs survey all undertaking plans so they will have the option to check whether they are largely reasonable before they continue with anything. Poor Testing People that are creating activities should cautiously test them and furthermore test to check whether it meets the business prerequisites. In any case, testing can in some cases fall flat due to numerous deficiencies, these can include:  Poor prerequisites  Tests not done appropriately or not in any manner  Trained clients that don't have the foggiest idea about the reason for the framework  Insufficient time to perform tests as the venture is late Bad choices being settled on This can include wrong choices that have been made by the undertaking supervisor. Terrible choices can typically occur if no arranging has occurred and the venture supervisor gets things done with no importance or considering it, administrators should cautiously settle on any choice. A case of this could be employing more staff at that point required or purchasing more virtual products at that point required for the task. Reference subtleties: http://www. adaptivepartners. com/projfailb. htm 22/09/09 http://www. coleyconsulting. co. uk/disappointment. htm 22/09/09 http://www. carlosconsulting. com/downloads/Reasons_why_projects_fail. pdf 06/10/09.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Create my own exam Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Make my own test - Math Problem Example A line going through the focal point of a circle is the width of the circle (Mosteller 109). On the off chance that at least two measurements are in a similar circle, at that point every one of them are equivalent long independent of their position. Along these lines, if the different sides from the two triangles that go through the center of the circle were taken as o for Triangle An and x for triangle B, at that point o will be equivalent to x. The side will likewise be the longest on either triangle. In the condition o + p + q = x + y + z we can wipe out o and x since they drop each other remembering that o = x, consequently we will be left to demonstrate that p + q = y + z. To demonstrate this we will initially need to distinguish the edges shaped by the two triangles. In the event that triangle A has points O, P, Q where edge P and Q join sides p and q to side o individually, at that point edge O is inverse to side o. Then again, triangle B has points X, Y, Z where by edge X is inverse to side x and edges Y and Z join sides y and z to side x separately. In the event that we start with the two triangles as isosceles triangles, at that point sides p + q = y + z in light of the fact that for the two triangles the more extended side is equivalent (Kac and Ulam 167). If the state of either triangle changes then the accompanying, changes will likewise occur. Let us start with triangle An, an adjustment looking like the triangle from an isosceles triangle an unpredictable triangle this will cause edge O to increment. The change will likewise be related with change long of side p and q, where with each expansion in side p side q will be along these lines diminishing and the other way around. The complete length of the different sides will be kept up that is p + q for all the progressions will continue as before. In triangle B a similar standard will likewise apply with the end goal that an adjustment looking like the triangle from an isosceles triangle to a sporad ic triangle at that point edge X will be expanding and an expansion in side y will prompt a diminishing in side z and the other way around. The all out length for this situation will be kept up that is to state that y + z will continue as before fit as a fiddle the triangle changes. Since p + q = y + z for the isosceles triangle then a similar rule will apply for an adjustment fit as a fiddle of the triangles. Hypothesis 2 If a square shape is drawn inside a chessboard with its sides corresponding to the sides of the chessboard, at that point the quantity of complete dim squares won't be equivalent to the quantity of light squares secured by the square shape. That is if the square shape covers m complete dim squares and n complete light squares then m ? n. Observing that not really that all the squares secured by the square shape will be finished. Confirmation: Suppose we take a chessboard (which is square fit as a fiddle) with sides C and D where C = D and inside the chessboard the re are ‘n’ equivalent squares, which are made of one unit of each side, in this way n = C ? D (Garder 510). The dim squares are signified by b and the light squares indicated as w. A square shape with length J and width K is drawn inside the chessboard where the side J is corresponding to C and K is corresponding to D. Further, J ought not be equivalent to C and K ought not be equivalent to D, which means the square shape is littler than the chessboard and there ought to be no three sides of the square shape contacting the sides of the chessboard. On the off chance that the square shape is attracted to fit precisely two units of C and one unit of D then the square shape will
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The Spotlight Effect and Social Anxiety
The Spotlight Effect and Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Print The Spotlight Effect and Social Anxiety Not Everyone Is Staring at You By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on December 07, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Getty / Yuval Navot / EyeEm The spotlight effect is a term used by social psychologists to refer to the tendency we have to overestimate how much other people notice about us. In other words, we tend to think there is a spotlight on us at all times, highlighting all of our mistakes or flaws, for all the world to see. For people with social anxiety, the spotlight effect can be much worse, to the point that it has an effect on your ability to work or feel comfortable around other people. What Does the Spotlight Effect Feel Like? It is not uncommon to find yourself feeling embarrassed. However, for people with social anxiety, this feeling can be overemphasized. For example, if you wake up late and go to work with disheveled hair, you may be convinced that everyone is noticing and secretly thinking badly of you. You may blush or try to hide from your coworkers, convinced that they are pitying or mocking you. It is believed that the spotlight effect comes from being overly self-conscious as well as not being able to put yourself in the shoes of the other person to realize that their perspective is different from yours. How Does the Spotlight Effect Worsen Social Anxiety? All people, but especially those with social anxiety, are very focused on themselves, their actions, and their appearance and believe that everyone else is just as aware. Being aware of the spotlight effect can help to lessen nervousness or embarrassment in social situations. If you can get to the point that you realize nobody is really paying attention to you, then you will stop worrying so much about it. However, for those with social anxiety, it can be much more difficult to recognize this fact and overcome anxiety linked to the spotlight effect. Social anxiety is much more than just nervousness. It reflects differences in brain activity and reactions to your environment. With social anxiety, you may know that your feelings are irrational, but you cant change how you feel. An Overview of Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment The spotlight effect can be debilitating if you have social anxiety, making every situation more fear-inducing and intimidating. However, symptoms of social anxiety, including the spotlight effect, can be treated with a combination of therapy and medications. Cognitive behavioral therapy with a therapist specializing in social anxiety can help you correct your negative thought patterns. Some medications, such as antidepressants, may be prescribed to help you ward off feelings of dread, helplessness, and doubt. You can also practice exercises learned in therapy to help you manage your daily activities, giving you more confidence and fewer feelings of embarrassment. Tips for Overcoming a Fear of Being the Center of Attention Overcoming the Spotlight Effect on Your Own One way to work on overcoming the spotlight effect is to test your belief that other people are noticing and evaluating you. To do this, its helpful to understand a concept identified through research termed the illusion of transparency, which asserts that people tend to think that their internal state is visible to others when it truly is not. While it may feel as though everyone knows what you are thinking about yourself, in actuality nobody has this ability to read your mind. You can overcome the spotlight effect by focusing your attention outward and noticing other peoples reactions to you. This will both help you to stop focusing inward on your anxiety, as well as notice how little other people are actually paying attention to you. Once you can see that people really are all caught up in their own situations, it will become easier to imagine that the spotlight is not shining on you and highlighting your flaws. The Best Self-Help Strategies for Social Anxiety Disorder Research A 1999 study showed that the spotlight effect was specific to social-evaluative concerns whereas the illusion of transparency was related to more general social anxiety. This suggests that in situations in which you perceive that you are being evaluated, or where there is pressure for others to like you, the spotlight effect may be more of a concern. A Word From Verywell If you find yourself grappling with nervousness or shame on a regular basis, talk with a therapist or your doctor to discuss potential treatment options, including talk therapy and medication. With intervention from a trained professional, you can be empowered to manage social anxiety and lead a richer life.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Violence Against Women In Music Essay - 1002 Words
Violence Against Women In Music nbsp; Particularly distressing in todays society is the level of dysfunctional relationships. Values considered outdated and baseless, such as mutual respect, consideration for another persons feelings, and common courtesy, are becoming extinct human customs. Especially troubling are the violent misogynous messages infused in hard-core rock and rap music and their negative effects on todays youth. nbsp; Healthy relationships of mutual love, respect, and compromise between men and women of all races and social classes are instrumental to a sane and stable society. Respect and reverence for mother, sister, wife, and daughter as the nurtures of civilization are key to our survival as a species.†¦show more content†¦Rock groups such as Smashing Pumpkins and Soundgarden have express their music in the light of positive influences, stressing communication and cooperation in dealing with lifes problems. nbsp; Other varieties of hard-core rock and rap have accentuated vulgar messages of violent encounters with women, often depicting debasing sexual acts. Advertisements for hard core rap and rock usually portray women compromising their dignity: models scantily dressed and displayed in sexually submissive positions. The verbal messages are equally destructive, debasing women as nothing more than sexual objects to be abused and degraded. nbsp; Do recording industry promoters and producers have a moral obligation to deny the marketing of socially debasing music? Should the Supreme Court be only a barometer by which generally accepted values are challenged by new forms of expression? Censorship of ideas is unconstitutional under First Amendment rights, and music has always been a reflection of the human conditions which exist. But there is a clear moral statement not to accept the post hoc, ergo propter hoc supposition. Women shouldnt tolerate or condone music which debases their character or dignity. I was astonished that as many women as men sought after Snoop Doggy Dogs music, which depicts women as debasedShow MoreRelatedMisogyny Of Hip Hop : The Solution1564 Words  | 7 Pagestoday’s society many individuals listen to music. With so many different genres to choose from in the music industry, one of the most popular genres of music is Hip Hop. With the constant urge for new artists, lyrics, and rap styles, it seems as though Hip Hop is the holy grail of music. One of the main problems with Hip Hop is the misogyny of women. Adams and Fuller (2006) define misogyny as the â€Å"hatred or disdain of women†and â€Å"an ideology that reduces women to objects for men’s ownership, use, orRead MoreIntroduction / Purpose Of The Study. This Study Examined1555 Words  | 7 PagesStudy This study examined the culture of violent lyrics in music and how misogynistic lyrical messages influence young men’s attitudes toward dating violence and their perception of women. Today, information is shared at an instant. Technology in our hand held devices allows us to download the latest music within seconds of pushing play. Social media avenues like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram allow music artist to upload the music they make and share it with the world with no filter on whatRead MorePornography And The Music World1415 Words  | 6 PagesPornography in the Music World During the Salem Witch Trials in the late 17th century men and women guilty of witchcraft were often chained, whipped, beaten, tortured and degraded publicly. All of these practices are incredibly dehumanizing, and have since long been retired as a means of punishment, however they are rising in popularity in the world of pornography, advertising and music. Fifty Shades of Grey was the 16th top grossing with a theme of aggressive sex, and songs such as Rihanna’s â€Å"SM†Read MoreHip Hop And Rap Hop901 Words  | 4 PagesSelf-Destruction by KRS-One and the Stop the Violence Movement, Push It by Salt-N-Pepa, I’m Bad by LL Cool J, Fight The Power by Public Enemy, Straight Out Of Compton by NWA. The 5 top ten from 2015 are Know Yourself by Drake, Trap Queen by Fetty Wap, Alright by Kendrick Lamar, Blessings by Big Sean Featuring Drake, and Feeling Myself by Nicki Minaj featuring Beyoncà ©. In my opinion, there is a very distinct difference between Hip Hop and Rap and it is definitely heard in the music throughout the decades. HipRead MoreRape And Sexual Assault On College Campuses919 Words  | 4 Pagesform of sexual assault) are legally identified as â€Å"sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual action perpetrated against a person without that person s consent†(H.R. Title 10 - Armed Forces 466). Now, in regards to why these individuals inflict these actions are summed up within the same U.S code in that they may be carried out by â€Å"physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of valid consent†(H.R. Title 10 - Armed Forces 467). In today’s society, rape and sexualRead MoreThe Effects Of Rap Music On Social Behavior Essay1693 Words  | 7 PagesIn society today, it is highly noticed that the role of rap music messages and video images of violence causes an increase in negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors which could lead to violence amongst youth. Rap music has been at the center of concern in regards to the potential harmful effect of violent media on social behavior amongst youth. This potential behavior could be seen in the music video titled â€Å"Kim†by Eminem. In this music video, the storyline, language and sound encourages hostileRead MoreRap Hop And Hip Hop Culture1550 Words  | 7 PagesMost hip hop songs and videos have lyrics and scenes that demean and humiliate women. Showing scenes of violence to women, demeaning them and depicting them as sex objects or subjects of submission to men is Misogyny. Present also is brutality against women descriptions. There have been voluminous scholars talking about it yet the argument is unquenched. Misogyny in hip hop society has its core deep in the American ethos, and it has its outcome on the same nation. Misogyny in songs is taking ringRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Rap Music1124 Words  | 5 PagesMusic, does it have a positive or negative effect on teens? T his is a well-known topic parents discuss to see if a change is needed in their teens life. That change is positive or negative music. Music itself has no real effect until someone decides to listen to it and from there, the person listening to the lyric, beat, and tone deciphers the meaning of the song for themselves. Teens and parents will have differences from each other because they are not the same person. So, to see if a song hasRead MoreMisogyny Hip Hop W Sources Essay1571 Words  | 7 Pagesobjectification, exploitation or victimization of women. Misogyny in hip hop music instills and perpetuates negative stereotypes about women. It can range from innuendos to stereotypical characterizations and defamations. Overt misogyny in rap and hip hop music emerged in the late 1980’s, and has since then been a feature of the music of numerous hip hop artists. Hip hop has had a considerable influence on modern popular culture, saturating mass media through music, radio broadcasts and a variety ofRead MoreRap Music Is Not The Only Type Of American Music Associated With Sex And Violence1508 Words  | 7 PagesRap music is not the only type of American music associated with sex and violence. The history of Rock’s Roll for example, is a good example. The same arrangements, with white people at the top, uplifted an entire American generation on sex and violence in other types of music. Now they are doing the same with rap music (Roberts, 1994). Rappers have thus been forced to abandon the stated goal of their humble beginning to conform to the marketable aspects of their crafts. (Rebollo-Gil Moras, 2012)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Culture Is An Essential Part Of Our Life - 1385 Words
What you do is a part of culture, indeed everything you do comes from your cultural inheritance. Mark Pagel, who is the author of the book Wired for Culture explains the evolution of humans and what makes us different from rest of the animals. Culture is an essential part of our life; however, culture is not something most people refer to as a source of evolvement. It is fascinating how we follow cultural system everyday to live and adapt into new societies. We are born with a culture which is being inserted in us from our birth, whether it is from our parents or guardians. Mark Pagel explains his idea of how culture has allowed us â€Å"to transmit knowledge down to the generations†which is why we are different from animals who have close†¦show more content†¦Culture teaches us how to adapt, behave, live and so on. In the book Wired for Culture, Pagel explains that culture has a great hand in human evolution as suppose to genes. Culture has taken some steps forward towards our evolvement where then â€Å". . people worked together, customs and systems of beliefs arose, ideas, skills, and technologies were shared, language evolved and dance, music and art appeared.†(1 and 2). Our identity lies in the heart of our culture. An individual’s uniqueness comes from his/her culture and gives one the potential to fit in communities with different people and their different cultural background. The heirloom of cultures is significant to what makes us who we are today. It gives us the sense of background we belong in and the language, traditions, behavior, symbols we practice. For example, we Tibetans have lost our land; however, we still have our culture which is being inherited down to generations to generations. The inheritance of culture keeps Tibetans alive in the world. We have language, symbols, arts, traditions, values, beliefs, norms and everything an individual needs to survive. If it were not for our culture, then there would not be a possibility of proving that Tibetans are different from Chinese or any other Asian countries. The Tibetan culture has given me an identification of being different from other cultures and having my own cultural backg round. Culture should never be
Deception Point Page 74 Free Essays
â€Å"Smart people like yourself don’t have the luxury of playing stupid, Dr. Harper. You’re in trouble, and the senator sent me up here to offer you a deal. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 74 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The senator’s campaign took a huge hit tonight. He’s got nothing left to lose, and he’s ready to take you down with him if he needs to.†â€Å"What the devil are you talking about?†Gabrielle took a deep breath and made her play. â€Å"You lied in your press conference about the PODS anomaly-detection software. We know that. A lot of people know that. That’s not the issue.†Before Harper could open his mouth to argue, Gabrielle steamed onward. â€Å"The senator could blow the whistle on your lies right now, but he’s not interested. He’s interested in the bigger story. I think you know what I’m talking about.†â€Å"No, I-â€Å" â€Å"Here’s the senator’s offer. He’ll keep his mouth shut about your software lies if you give him the name of the top NASA executive with whom you’re embezzling funds.†Chris Harper’s eyes seemed to cross for a moment. â€Å"What? I’m not embezzling!†â€Å"I suggest you watch what you say, sir. The senatorial committee has been collecting documentation for months now. Did you really think you two would slip by undetected? Doctoring PODS paperwork and redirecting allocated NASA funds to private accounts? Lying and embezzling can put you in jail, Dr. Harper.†â€Å"I did no such thing!†â€Å"You’re saying you didn’t lie about PODS?†â€Å"No, I’m saying I bloody well didn’t embezzle money!†â€Å"So, you’re saying you did lie about PODS.†Harper stared, clearly at a loss for words. â€Å"Forget about the lying,†Gabrielle said, waving it off. â€Å"Senator Sexton is not interested in the issue of your lying in a press conference. We’re used to that. You guys found a meteorite, nobody cares how you did it. The issue for him is the embezzlement. He needs to take down someone high in NASA. Just tell him who you’re working with, and he’ll steer the investigation clear of you entirely. You can make it easy and tell us who the other person is, or the senator will make it ugly and start talking about anomaly-detection software and phony work-arounds.†â€Å"You’re bluffing. There are no embezzled funds.†â€Å"You’re an awful liar, Dr. Harper. I’ve seen the documentation. Your name is on all the incriminating paperwork. Over and over.†â€Å"I swear I know nothing about any embezzlement!†Gabrielle let out a disappointed sigh. â€Å"Put yourself in my position, Dr. Harper. I can only draw two conclusions here. Either you’re lying to me, the same way you lied in that press conference. Or you’re telling the truth, and someone powerful in the agency is setting you up as a fall guy for his own misdealings.†The proposition seemed to give Harper pause. Gabrielle checked her watch. â€Å"The senator’s deal is on the table for an hour. You can save yourself by giving him the name of the NASA exec with whom you’re embezzling taxpayers’ money. He doesn’t care about you. He wants the big fish. Obviously the individual in question has some power here at NASA; he or she has managed to keep his or her identity off the paper trail, allowing you to be the fall guy.†Harper shook his head. â€Å"You’re lying.†â€Å"Would you like to tell that to a court?†â€Å"Sure. I’ll deny the whole thing.†â€Å"Under oath?†Gabrielle grunted in disgust. â€Å"Suppose you’ll also deny you lied about fixing the PODS software?†Gabrielle’s heart was pounding as she stared straight into the man’s eyes. â€Å"Think carefully about your options here, Dr. Harper. American prisons can be most unpleasant.†Harper glared back, and Gabrielle willed him to fold. For a moment she thought she saw a glimmer of surrender, but when Harper spoke, his voice was like steel. â€Å"Ms. Ashe,†he declared, anger simmering in his eyes, â€Å"you are clutching at thin air. You and I both know there is no embezzlement going on at NASA. The only liar in this room is you.†Gabrielle felt her muscles go rigid. The man’s gaze was angry and sharp. She wanted to turn and run. You tried to bluff a rocket scientist. What the hell did you expect? She forced herself to hold her head high. â€Å"All I know,†she said, feigning utter confidence and indifference to his position, â€Å"is the incriminating documents I’ve seen-conclusive evidence that you and another are embezzling NASA funds. The senator simply asked me to come here tonight and offer you the option of giving up your partner instead of facing the inquiry alone. I will tell the senator you prefer to take your chances with a judge. You can tell the court what you told me-you’re not embezzling funds and you didn’t lie about the PODS software.†She gave a grim smile. â€Å"But after that lame press conference you gave two weeks ago, somehow I doubt it.†Gabrielle spun on her heel and strode across the darkened PODS laboratory. She wondered if maybe sheâ €™d be seeing the inside of a prison instead of Harper. Gabrielle held her head high as she walked off, waiting for Harper to call her back. Silence. She pushed her way through the metal doors and strode out into the hallway, hoping the elevators up here were not key-card operated like the lobby. She’d lost. Despite her best efforts, Harper wasn’t biting. Maybe he was telling the truth in his PODS press conference, Gabrielle thought. A crash resounded down the hall as the metal doors behind her burst open. â€Å"Ms. Ashe,†Harper’s voice called out. â€Å"I swear I know nothing about any embezzlement. I’m an honest man!†Gabrielle felt her heart skip a beat. She forced herself to keep walking. She gave a casual shrug and called out over her shoulder. â€Å"And yet you lied in your press conference.†Silence. Gabrielle kept moving down the hallway. â€Å"Hold on!†Harper yelled. He came jogging up beside her, his face pale. â€Å"This embezzlement thing,†he said, lowering his voice. â€Å"I think I know who set me up.†Gabrielle stopped dead in her tracks, wondering if she had heard him correctly. She turned as slowly and casually as she could. â€Å"You expect me to believe someone is setting you up?†Harper sighed. â€Å"I swear I know nothing about embezzlement. But if there’s evidence against me†¦ â€Å" â€Å"Mounds of it.†Harper sighed. â€Å"Then it’s all been planted. To discredit me if need be. And there’s only one person who would have done that.†â€Å"Who?†Harper looked her in the eye. â€Å"Lawrence Ekstrom hates me.†Gabrielle was stunned. â€Å"The administrator of NASA?†Harper gave a grim nod. â€Å"He’s the one who forced me to lie in that press conference.†88 Even with the Aurora aircraft’s misted-methane propulsion system at half power, the Delta Force was hurtling through the night at three times the speed of sound-over two thousand miles an hour. The repetitive throb of the Pulse Detonation Wave Engines behind them gave the ride a hypnotic rhythm. A hundred feet below, the ocean churned wildly, whipped up by the Aurora’s vacuum wake, which sucked fifty-foot rooster tails skyward in long parallel sheets behind the plane. This is the reason the SR-71 Blackbird was retired, Delta-One thought. The Aurora was one of those secret aircraft that nobody was supposed to know existed, but everyone did. Even the Discovery channel had covered Aurora and its testing out at Groom Lake in Nevada. Whether the security leaks had come from the repeated â€Å"skyquakes†heard as far away as Los Angeles, or the unfortunate eyewitness sighting by a North Sea oil-rig driller, or the administrative gaffe that left a description of Aurora in a public copy of the Pentagon budget, nobody would ever know. It hardly mattered. The word was out: The U.S. military had a plane capable of Mach 6 flight, and it was no longer on the drawing board. It was in the skies overhead. How to cite Deception Point Page 74, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Salem Witch Trials A Research Paper Essay Example For Students
The Salem Witch Trials A Research Paper Essay Why do you hurt these children?I do not hurt them. I scorn it.Have you made no contract with the devil? No!Mr. John Hathorn, a Judge involved in the witchcraft case of Sarah Good, then asked all of the afflicted children to look upon her and see if this was the person that had hurt them so. They all gazed at Goody Good and said that this was the person that tormented thempresently they were all tormented. Puritanical beliefs had all of Salem truly believing that witches rode on broomsticks across the sky every night alongside the devil himself. They believed that these mere humans could send their specter out and haunt the children of their town. Proof of their belief follows, in an excerpt from Cotton Mathers Memorable Providences:Go tell Mankind, that there are Devils and Witches; and that tho those night-birds least appear where the Day-light of the Gospel comes, yet New-Engl. has had Exemples of their Existence and Operation; and that no only the Wigwams of Indians, where the pagan Powaws often raise their masters, in the shapes of Bears and Snakes and Fires, but the House of Christians, where our God has had his constant Worship, have undergone the Annoyance of Evil spirits. Go tell the world, What Prays can do beyond all Devils and Witches, and What it is that these Monsters love to do; and through the Demons in the Audience of several standers-by threatned much disgrace to thy Author, if he let thee come abroad, yet venture That, and in this way seek a just Revenge on Them for the Disturbance they have given to such as have called on the Name of God.Rebecca NurseGoody Nurse was a highly regarded, pious pillar of the community who unfortunately could not withstand the power of hysteria. We will write a custom essay on The Salem Witch Trials A Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There were many reasons that Rebecca was accused, but it was mostly the hatred exhibited towards her by the Putnam family. She was against Samuel Parris as Reverend of the Salem Town Church, while the Putnam family was his friend, and her husband was at war with the Putnam family estate over some land. Rebecca exuded a saint-like presence over the dark days of the witch-hunt. After her accusation, thirty-nine of the most prominent leaders of the community signed a petition attesting to Rebeccas goodness of heart. Even one of her original accusers, Jonathan Putnam, put his name to the appeal. During her trial, Sarah Holton testified that Goody Nurse killed her husband, Benjamin, because she found his pigs in her field. In actuality, Benjamin Holton died of a heart attack three years after the pig incident. In further evidence against Nurse, Ann Putnam, Sr., whom we have already established as being unfairly biased, testified before the court. She claimed that apparitions of Goody Nurse came to her and choked her in the night while the spirit proclaimed all of the people she had killed (the list incidentally included Benjamin Holton).Fortunately, the speculative evidence against Rebecca Nurse was not substantial enough to convict her; on June 30, the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty. The afflicted children broke out in tantrums and hideous screaming fits and Chief Justice Stoughton urged the jury to reconsider. They came back with a decision of guilty. As if this was not punishment enough, Nurse was excommunicated from her church on July 3. This proved to be most devastating to a God-fearing, pious woman. Goody Nurse, at age 71, was executed on July 19, 1692.Sarah GoodSarah Good fit the ultimate stereotype of a witch: the lonely beggar, fed up with society, arguing with anyone that would not give his or her charity. She was destined to be accused; it was only a matter of time before an accused witch, Tituba, would sacrifice her soul for her life. .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a , .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .postImageUrl , .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a , .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:hover , .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:visited , .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:active { border:0!important; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:active , .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udbe3387500e3bb001f2c7f239873a18a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nelson Mandela Essay Tituba confessed to being a witch and named Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne as fellow witches.During her trial, as can be imagined many people came forward to testify against Good. Seven people testified against her general attitude; however, the most detrimental to Good was the examination of her own daughter, who confessed herself and mother as being witches. Susannah Sheldon . The Salem Witch Trials A Research Paper Essay Example For Students The Salem Witch Trials A Research Paper Essay Why do you hurt these children?I do not hurt them. I scorn it.Have you made no contract with the devil? No!Mr. John Hathorn, a Judge involved in the witchcraft case of Sarah Good, then asked all of the afflicted children to look upon her and see if this was the person that had hurt them so. They all gazed at Goody Good and said that this was the person that tormented thempresently they were all tormented. Puritanical beliefs had all of Salem truly believing that witches rode on broomsticks across the sky every night alongside the devil himself. They believed that these mere humans could send their specter out and haunt the children of their town. Proof of their belief follows, in an excerpt from Cotton Mathers Memorable Providences:Go tell Mankind, that there are Devils and Witches; and that tho those night-birds least appear where the Day-light of the Gospel comes, yet New-Engl. has had Exemples of their Existence and Operation; and that no only the Wigwams of Indians, where the pagan Powaws often raise their masters, in the shapes of Bears and Snakes and Fires, but the House of Christians, where our God has had his constant Worship, have undergone the Annoyance of Evil spirits. Go tell the world, What Prays can do beyond all Devils and Witches, and What it is that these Monsters love to do; and through the Demons in the Audience of several standers-by threatned much disgrace to thy Author, if he let thee come abroad, yet venture That, and in this way seek a just Revenge on Them for the Disturbance they have given to such as have called on the Name of God.Rebecca NurseGoody Nurse was a highly regarded, pious pillar of the community who unfortunately could not withstand the power of hysteria. We will write a custom essay on The Salem Witch Trials A Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There were many reasons that Rebecca was accused, but it was mostly the hatred exhibited towards her by the Putnam family. She was against Samuel Parris as Reverend of the Salem Town Church, while the Putnam family was his friend, and her husband was at war with the Putnam family estate over some land. Rebecca exuded a saint-like presence over the dark days of the witch-hunt. After her accusation, thirty-nine of the most prominent leaders of the community signed a petition attesting to Rebeccas goodness of heart. Even one of her original accusers, Jonathan Putnam, put his name to the appeal. During her trial, Sarah Holton testified that Goody Nurse killed her husband, Benjamin, because she found his pigs in her field. In actuality, Benjamin Holton died of a heart attack three years after the pig incident. In further evidence against Nurse, Ann Putnam, Sr., whom we have already established as being unfairly biased, testified before the court. She claimed that apparitions of Goody Nurse came to her and choked her in the night while the spirit proclaimed all of the people she had killed (the list incidentally included Benjamin Holton).Fortunately, the speculative evidence against Rebecca Nurse was not substantial enough to convict her; on June 30, the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty. The afflicted children broke out in tantrums and hideous screaming fits and Chief Justice Stoughton urged the jury to reconsider. They came back with a decision of guilty. As if this was not punishment enough, Nurse was excommunicated from her church on July 3. This proved to be most devastating to a God-fearing, pious woman. Goody Nurse, at age 71, was executed on July 19, 1692.Sarah GoodSarah Good fit the ultimate stereotype of a witch: the lonely beggar, fed up with society, arguing with anyone that would not give his or her charity. She was destined to be accused; it was only a matter of time before an accused witch, Tituba, would sacrifice her soul for her life. .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a , .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .postImageUrl , .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a , .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:hover , .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:visited , .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:active { border:0!important; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:active , .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9873dc52d1d4ce19677626414feb072a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: An Overview Of The Emirates Airline Commerce Essay Tituba confessed to being a witch and named Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne as fellow witches.During her trial, as can be imagined many people came forward to testify against Good. Seven people testified against her general attitude; however, the most detrimental to Good was the examination of her own daughter, who confessed herself and mother as being witches. Susannah Sheldon .
Thursday, March 19, 2020
puritanism and Romantism essays
puritanism and Romantism essays Puritan moral teachings in American Romanticism Abstract: Under the influence of American Puritanism, American Romanticism favors Christian moral teachings. Puritan notions as self-restraint, sin and salvation weigh greatly and serve as Romantic authors ¡Ã‚ ¯ moral measurement. Taken as a specific example, American leading Romantic Nathaniel Hawthorn can illustrate this impact explicitly. Special emphasis will be put on his novel the Scarlet Letter. A brief biographical introduction about the author can help to know where his Puritan thinking pattern comes from. In his masterpiece the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorn shows his belief in original sin and redeem through professions and painful life, which is obviously from Puritan sources. Other works are also to be mentioned in a combined effort with former text to strengthen the central ideal. Keywords: Puritanism, Romanticism, moral teachings, self, sin, salvation, Nathaniel Hawthorn, the Scarlet Letter 1.1. Source and characteristics of American Romanticism. Early in the nineteenth century, the attitudes of America ¡Ã‚ ¯s writers were shaped by their New World environment and an array of ideas inherited from the romantic traditions of Europe. A new American Romantic was pluralistic; yet it frequently shared certain general characteristics: moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man ¡Ã‚ ¯s societies a source of corruption. (ÃŽÃŽÂ °ÃƒË†ÃƒÅ 199054) 1.2. American Puritanism moral teachings that have influenced American Romanticism. Puritan doctrine taught that all men are totally depraved and require constant self-examination to see that they are sinners and unworthy of God's Grace. Because man had broken the Covenant of Works when Adam had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, God offered a new covenant to Abraham's people who held that election to Heave...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Thesis Topics
Thesis Topics Thesis Topics Thesis Topics The essential part of the Master's and Doctoral students is to complete a thesis. But to find a potential thesis topic is rather difficult task. The following thesis writing tips will help you during your thesis writing. A thesis topic must grow from your own energies and interests. Start thesis writing with something you are familiar with or what you are interested, you should defined your general area of interest. Think about your hobbies, some efforts you have taken part in, etc. You also may write your thesis by means of elaborations or expansions of your successful junior papers. Before writing a thesis think about your earlier junior papers you have written in your previous courses. Finding a topic within an area of interest is more difficult. Your topic should be formulated as a question. But the questions can't be too broad, because a thesis's topic must have focus. It also doesn't mean that it should be too narrow because the goal of a good thesis is to express thoughts of g eneral importance through detailed analysis of a specific case or cases. Because the purpose of this process is to formulate provoke question, the best way to uncover topics in your area of interest is to begin posing questions. Read relative issues and literature to your topic. If your topic seems too broad, this reading will give you some ideas how to narrow your topic. If your question is too narrow, a selection of articles and books can lead you to the general concerns that relate to your interest. Parts of a Thesis Some research projects involve a practical component of experimentation, research in libraries which includes designing the methodology, then analyzing and reporting on the findings in the thesis document. Your plans would need to cover undertaking your research study, analyzing results, writing a preliminary paper on the project, doing further research with further analysis and publication, writing and submitting the thesis, and so on. These are important stages but you should also be thinking further ahead. It is important to keep in mind the final thesis structure and the time line for completing individual chapters. The presentation of thesis follows a standard order. Here is a list to help you during preparation: Preliminary material Title page Acknowledgments Dedication Table of contents Abstract or summary Glossary Preface Substantive material Introduction Literature review Other chapters Conclusion Final sections Bibliography Appendices References CUSTOM THESIS You are welcome to order custom thesis writing service at and professional writer will assist you with project completion. We guarantee high quality and timely delivery.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes Research Paper
Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes - Research Paper Example But as he went along, it became a highly entertaining and wonderful story, â€Å"quite as adventurous as any old –time romance, full of humor , abounding in wisdom an the very day things of life ,and to a certain extend ,of human nature â€Å" (N L Carrington). The theme of this novel is the tragedy that befalls those who are incapable of realizing the change of times and stick on the values and manners of a bygone era . The story which is a panorama of captivating events embodies the life, manners and milieu of medieval Europe which even at the time of his writing were outdated. The name of the book in Spanish is â€Å"E1 Ingeniso hidaldo Don Quixote de la mancha†. The hero Alonso Quixado belonging to place called La Mancha is a member of the lower nobility.(hidaldo) .He is tall and lean, about fifty years old , with cheeks that appeared to be kissing each other on the inside of his mouth, a neck half-yard long . Books of chivalry and adventure, which became very com mon in the fifteenth century, had been his obsession. Innumerable such books he has read with relish and enthusiasm. As a result, his mind is steeped in gripping accounts of enchantments, battles, challenges, wooing and agonies. He has thus lost his sanity. He fancies that he can make himself a knight errant and roam the world in full armor, righting every kind of wrong and exposing himself to peril, thus he will reap eternal renown’s as the undoer of injustice, the protector of damsels, the terror of giants and the winner of battles. In the book Don Quixote he himself says â€Å"I know I’m capable of ...of being all the Twelve Peers of France, and all the Nine Worthies as well, for my exploits will be far greater than all deeds they have done all together and each by myself†The novel is a highly amusing account of how this strange hero living in a make-believe world of medieval romance and adventure tries to make good this boast. The first thing he does is to change his name in keeping with the glorified office of a knight. The pedestrian Quixado thus becomes (Don Quixote of La Mancha, â€Å"Don ‘being the title reserved for the highly sophisticated and upper class in society, equivalent to ‘Sir’ In English. A knight was expected to have chivalric lady love. And he gallantly chooses a sturdy farm –lass, to whom he was never uttered a word, and gives her the name Dulceniadel Toboso. The next requirement was a mighty steed. A white but sickly and lean horse he manages to get from his family stable, and renames it Rocinate. A Set of ancient metal armor, helmet, sword and spear he is able to get from a dark room in his house and this serves as his knightly equipment. The armor and helmet are too large and heavy for his lean and lank body. But It is with supreme satisfaction that he whereas the armor and wields the weapons although the onlookers find him totally grotesque and funny. His knightly pose is complete onl y when he takes with him, as his squire or assistant, Sancho Panza, a stupid fat and short farmer from the neighboring village, According to stories of chivalry, the squire is to follow the knight –errant on another horse, but as they fail to secure a horse, Sancho Panza rides on a donkey. Don Quixote gives Sancho all kinds of promises including that of the governorship of a newly conquered island, and the foolish squire believes in all that completely. The ludicrous situations created by this pair going out in search of adventures are of unending interest
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Identifying a discourse's significance and problem Essay
Identifying a discourse's significance and problem - Essay Example onveyed in a powerful way by linking it with the story of the protagonist lion cub that grows into a lion and realizes what happens when the hyenas take over and kill all the animals. In the film, â€Å"Lion King†King Mustafa refers to the valley as the â€Å"Circle of Life†which is significant for the cause of preservation of animal life. The incidents that occur later in the story when Scar lets the hyenas loose on pride land demonstrates the disastrous results when animals are used for selfish purposes and when their lives are not preserved. This is an important message that only serves to emphasize how important it is that animals should be made to suffer, neither should they be used indiscriminately for man’s benefit, as in the entertainment industry and in scientific experiments – where they are put through pain and suffering. Killing animals is also likely to disturb the Circle of life and the delicate ecological balance that exists. This is the real problem the film addresses with its underlying message - the cruel and indiscriminate killing of animals. The film applies subtle persuasion as far as the viewer is concerned, highlighting the importance of preservation of the life of animals in order to ensure that the various species of the earth are protected. The text of the film supports the message against indiscriminate killing of animals, mostly through the stark desolation it portrays of the land when most of the animals in it have been destroyed. This is an important message in the modern day context, when man is indiscriminately destroying animals and subjecting them to cruel and inhuman treatment. As the film portrays, there is a delicate balance in nature, where different species co-exist harmoniously together. Pride Land as it existed was a place where there was a productive earth and happy animals because none was subjected to cruel degrading treatment. The film also provides a resolution for the problem. After highlighting the devastation
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Final Conversation in A Dolls House :: Dolls House essays
The Final Conversation in A Doll's House The final scene of A Doll's House is one of the most famous and hotly debated moments in modern drama, endlessly argued about. I make no attempt here to account for all the complexities of this fascinating scene, but once again I'd like to offer some observations to fuel further discussion. Torvald's behaviour once he reads Krogstad's letter totally demolishes the illusion Nora has taken refuge in, and the lectures he delivers to Nora at the start of the scene remind us unmistakably of what a total social prig he is, determined to salvage what he can by deception and very angry at Nora for what she has done. We are right to find what he says very offensive, especially since he makes no sympathetic attempt to talk to her, to explore her motivation, to share the crisis together as two individuals at a critical point in their lives together. [Naturally, the staging of the first part of this scene is absolutely crucial for shaping our response to what happens later. If, for example, Torvald's angry abuse leads him to hit Nora, the impact of his tirade will be very different indeed from what it would be if we sense a genuine pain and panic under his insults, if it deflates him rather than energizing him to violence against her] At the same time, we need to recognize that much of what Torvald says is right. If this gets out, he will be ruined. We know enough about his society to understand that the slightest accusation of criminal conduct will destroy them both (and that, we know, is so much more than just losing a job). And we have seen that for Torvald his social role is who he is, his entire identity. He has no conception of himself outside that role. So, in effect, Nora has, in his eyes, destroyed him. We may deplore the shallowness of his character, but we should not dismiss the intensity of his feelings or the accuracy of his perception of how society will react. Everything he believes in is in danger of being taken away. And that's why, once the danger has passed, he can instantly become himself again: his identity has been restored. So when he utters (and keeps repeating) that line which so often earns a laugh in the modern theatre ("I forgive you everything") he is making (in his eyes) a sincere concession.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Emily’s Refusal to Allow Change in Her Life in “A Rose for Emilyâ€Â
â€Å"A Rose for Emily†is a short story written by William Faulkner, an American author. Uniquely narrated in the first person perspective with the use of we, â€Å"A Rose for Emily†is a story about a woman named Emily who had a strong attachment or dependence on her father. It seemed time stopped when her father died that contributed to Emily’s refusal to see and accept change.She experienced true aristocracy with her father who ruled her life and constructed a different reality for her. He let her believe that she is different from anybody else and that no man truly deserves her. Her father’s restrictions towards her and her social roles dominated her life even after her father’s death. Thus, in this short story, Faulkner highlights that social roles restrict an individual to manifest his or her true self, constraining rather than liberating her.As Faulkner used the pronoun â€Å"we,†it can be inferred that the narrator is some of the to wnspeople sympathizing with Emily. By means of flashbacking, the narrator presents well-structured and detailed events of Emily’s life that can provide a deeper understanding of why there is pride and isolation in her character.The story begins with Emily’s death at the age of 74 and flashes back to the near distant past of Emily’s life. Emily is a spinster perceived as a lonely woman who is so attached to the traditions and aristocracy of the past to the extent that she cannot accept change.She shuts herself to the world and continually personifies the past until her death. Even with the emergence of materialism and when aristocracy was no longer a trend, Emily constantly believes that she would still be respected. This makes her a grotesque or unique personality in the setting that encourages the townspeople to analyze her life.Emily’s father who represents the ruling class of the South contributed most to her arrogant personality. Emily was raised in a n upper class home which made them prominent in the community. Hence, she perceived herself as rich and powerful, and their position in the community had unconsciously taught her to hold herself high from the surrounding people even after her father’s death.As time passed by, perspective about class and status changed. People accepted the changes of time and ideas. However, Emily, who was a complex and well-developed character, chose not to adapt because of the social roles she grew up with. Thus, the story illustrates that privilege and aristocracy can sometimes be a prison.The Negro who was an obedient gardener and cook and who provided Emily’s basic and practical needs is also symbolic in the story. This man connected Emily outside her small world. Yet, he isolated himself from the community for fear that he may disclose something about Emily that will disdain his loyalty.Thus, the Negro unconsciously killed her relationship with the world outside and supported Emil y’s violence against herself.  The Negro somehow fed Emily’s perception towards herself. The Negro, whom Emily had control over encourage Emily’s role in the society as aristocratic.The rose in the story represents affection. It is the affection given by the narrator to Emily. Other people may perceive Emily’s pride and violence as something immoral, but the narrator’s point of view towards Emily is different. He clearly sympathizes with Emily and understands the reason behind Emily’s arrogance. The narrator justifies her actions through presenting series of events about her past. She was a victim of bitterness and complete attachment.The community itself during her father’s time constructed a different reality for her that caused her to become so confident. The rose in the story may also signify Emily’s love for Homer. It represents the soft side of Emily which the outside world cannot see. She was perceived by the people a s scandalous and proud. Yet, like any other person, Emily needs love and affection. Her love was violent and harsh though which represents the thorns of the rose.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Beyond The Northlands The Vikings And Their World
1171 Beyond the Northlands: the Vikings and their World Eleanor Barraclough Word Count: 1941 Compare and contrast the Frankish annals AND the Irish annals as sources for Viking history. Considerable difference and similarity can be observed in the records of the Vikings and the different peoples that they interacted with. This largely has to do with geography, as the landscape of Viking Age Norway, Denmark, and Sweden were divided and rugged; this lead to various groups of people vying for power. When a person or group lost a power struggle, they would often use the waterways of the North Sea to gain access to potential raiding lands. The seafaring technological advances of previous centuries enabled interaction between the raiders of Sweden, Norway and Denmark and the peoples of Ireland and the Carolingian Empire. Because of the technological advances and geographical situation, the Viking raiders were able to interact with many different peoples but also come from the same fundamental background. This caused a multitude of similarities between the Viking activity in the Carolingian Empire and Ireland, but there were also many differences. Due to the fact that the Carolingian Empire and Ireland were both Christianized by the time of the Viking Age, both countries utilized writing to describe their interactions with the Vikings. While both countries annals have resemblances - such as raids and plundering leading to settlement - they also have considerable differences.
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